Set Profile Options 20

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INV: Use Catalog Name in the Item Description

Indicates whether to use the catalog name or the catalog description as the first element of a concatenated item catalog description. Available values are:

No: Catalog description

Yes: Catalog name

Inventory predefines a value of No for this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable only at the Site level.

INV: Use Model & Options for Configuration Pricing

This profile option determines the price for Model & Options or Configured Items. The available options are Yes and No. 

This profile option is updateable only at the site level.

INV: Validate Returned Lot

This profile option determines whether a component lot that is returned from WIP should be validated against lots that are issued to the same job. The available options are Yes and No. This profile option is updateable only at site level.

INV: Validate Returned Serial

This profile option determines whether component serials that are returned from WIP should be validated against serials that are issued to the same job. The available options are Yes and No. This profile option is updateable only at site level.

INV: View Item Category People

This profile option enables you to show either all employees or only current organization employees in the Person/Group field on the Category People window. (In the Category People window, you can assign a person or a group to an item category.)

This profile can be updated at all levels. The available values are:

All: All employees listed in the system.

My Employees: Current organization employees.

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