Setting OM System Parameters

Parameters define basic steps or action to be taken as required. For example, when to start an audit trail or what to do when there is no response from the approver etc. The Parameters can be grouped into specific categories when creating them. The values of these parameters can be set-up using tables or constant values.
OM System Parameters allows you to define new parameters and setting up the values for the parameters using different sources like SQL and constant values. Once the parameters are defined it has to be given a value when it is used in the order management set up for an organization. 

Defining Parameters

Create and define parameters using the following attributes:
  • Parameter Code: Unique code for the new parameter 
  • Name: Name of the parameter 
  • Description: Description of the parameter 
  • Category: Category the parameter belongs to. The category is controlled using the lookup type “OM_PARAMETER_CATEGORY.” To create a new category, add the lookup code in the lookup type “OM_PARAMETER_CATEGORY” and then enter that lookup type in your parameter definition window. 
  • Value Set: Value Set associated as the source of values. The possible value sets can have validation types of NONE or TABLE. For seeded parameters please make sure that you use a value set that begins with “ONT.” 
  • Open Orders Check: Provides a control to allow or restrict changes to the parameter value once it is set for a given operating unit. 
  • Enabled: Controls the availability of the parameter. For seeded parameters this field is active for internal users. 
  • Seeded: Indicates whether the parameter is seeded or user-defined. This is only active for internal users.

Define System Parameters

Navigate to the Define OM System Parameters window. Order Management > Setup > System Parameters > Define

Define OM System Parameters

the picture is described in the document text

  1. Warning: You cannot have any open orders when performing updates to Order Management Parameters. If open orders are found, a warning message displays. Select the OK button to ignore the Warning or select the Cancel button to not commit changes.
  2. Enter a unique code in the Parameter Code field.
  3. Enter a name for the parameter in the Name field.
  4. Enter a description of the parameter in the Description field.
  5. Select the category from the Category field that the parameter belongs to. This is controlled with a lookup. To create a new category, add the lookup code in the lookup type “OM_PARAMETER_CATEGORY” and then enter that lookup type in the parameter definition window.
  6. In the Value Set field, enter a value set associated as the source of values. The possible value sets can have validation types of NONE or TABLE. For seeded parameters, use a value set that begins with “ONT.”
  7. Select a value from the Open Orders Check field. This provides a control to allow or restrict changes to the parameter value once it is set for a given operating unit. Available options are Allow, Give error, or Give warning.
  8. When the Enabled box is selected the parameter is available to use. For seeded parameters this field is active only for internal users.
  9. The Seeded check box indicates if the parameter is a seeded parameter or a user defined parameter. This is active only for internal users.
  10. Save your changes and click OK. To cancel without saving any changes, click Cancel.

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