Cost Mass Edits


Mass Editing Cost Information

You can apply mass edits to cost information, including:

  • apply new activity rates to item costs
  • edit item shrinkage rates to a specified rate or a rate equal to your planning shrinkage rates
  • create new costs and change costs to a specified amount by a percentage or an absolute amount
  • create new costs by averaging the purchase order price for open purchase orders or historical purchase order receipts, or actual accounts payable invoice prices for items
    Attention: You may want to limit mass edits to sub-elements with similar basis types. All sub-elements to be edited should be either rate-based or amount-based. The values entered for Fixed Rate and Change Amount fields have drastically different effects on sub-element cost, depending on the basis. For example, if you enter 10 for Fixed Rate, the mass edit updates the sub-element cost for amount-based sub-elements to 10 units of your functional currency. If the sub-element has a rate-based type, the mass edit updates the sub-element rate to 1000 percent, not 10 percent.

   To mass edit cost information:

    2. Select the Name of the request.
    Apply Latest Activity Rates: Change item costs after modifying activity rates.
    Change Cost Shrinkage Rates: Modify the costing shrinkage rates for items. This can be a specific rate or the item's planning shrinkage rate.
    Mass Edit Actual Material Costs: Generate costs for items based upon purchasing activity. You can update item costs to be an average of or equal to actual accounts payable invoices, open purchase orders, or historical purchase order receipts for the specified date range.
    Mass Edit Material Costs: Update material sub-elements by a fixed amount or a percentage as appropriate for the basis type.
    Mass Edit Material Overhead Costs: Update material overhead sub-elements by a fixed amount or a percentage, as appropriate for the basis type.
    See the instructions below for further information.

   To apply latest activity rates to item costs:

    1. Select a cost type.
    2. Select a range of Items From and To.
    4. Enter a Category Set. The default is the category for your costing functional responsibility.
    5. Optionally, select a range of Categories From and To.
    8. Indicate whether to print a cost type comparison report. If enabled, specify another cost type to compare with the current cost type.

   To change the cost shrinkage rate:

    2. Select a cost type.
    3. Select a range of Items From and To.
    4. Select a Category Set.
    5. Optionally, select a range of Categories From and To.
    7. Optionally, indicate whether to copy costs from a specific cost type before performing the mass edit. If you set Copy Costs to Yes, specify the cost type to copy costs from.
    8. Indicate whether to print a cost type comparison report. If enabled, specify the cost type to compare with the current cost type.

   To mass edit actual material costs:

    Update material costs to open PO average: This edit uses a hierarchy of dates when determining if the record falls within the specified date range. The hierarchy is as follows: the promised date from the purchase order shipment is used; if this date is not entered, the need-by date from the purchase order shipment is used; and, if this date is not entered, the approval date of the purchase order is used. The approval date always exists, as it is generated by the system upon approval of the purchase order. The mass edit uses only approved purchase orders.
    Update material costs to PO receipt average: This edit uses the transaction date of the purchase order receipt into inventory when determining if the record falls within the specified date range.
    Update material costs to invoice cost: This edit uses the accounting date accounts payable used for the invoice posting when determining if the record falls within the specified date range.
    2. Select a cost type.
    3. Select a range of Items From and To.
    4. Indicate whether to edit only items that have a Based on Rollup attribute set to Yes, only those items that have a Based on Rollup set to No, or all items.
    5. Select a Category Set.
    6. Optionally, select a range of Categories From and To.
    7. Optionally, select a date range.
    For example, if the mass edit calculates an average cost of 100 and you enter a value of 0.10, the resulting cost of the sub-element is 110. You can use the Change Percentage field with the Change Amount field.

    11. Select a material sub-element to limit the mass edit to items associated with a specific material sub-element.
    This sub-element is also used by the mass edit when it creates new item costs. The default is the organization's default material sub-element, if one exists.
    12. Optionally, indicate whether to copy costs from a specific cost type before performing the mass edit. If you set Copy Costs to Yes, specify the cost type to copy costs from.
    13. Indicate whether to print a cost type comparison report. If enabled, specify the cost type to compare with the current cost type.

   To mass edit material costs:

    1. Select a cost type.
    2. Select a range of Items From and To.
    3. Indicate whether to edit only items that have a Based on Rollup attribute set to Yes, only those items that have a Based on Rollup set to No, or leave blank to indicate all items.
    4. Select a Category Set. The default is the category for your costing functional responsibility.
    5. Optionally, select a range of Categories From and To.
    6. Optionally, select a basis type by which to limit the mass edit.
    7. Optionally, select a specific activity to mass edit only sub-elements associated with a specific activity.
    8. Optionally, select a value to change the current sub-element amount to a new fixed amount.
    You can use this value with the Change Percentage and/or the Change Amount fields.
    Leave this field blank to have the current sub-element amount modified by the values entered in the Change Percentage and/or the Change Amount fields.
    9. Optionally, enter an Change Percentage (positive or negative) by which to increase or decrease the sub-element amount.
    The Fixed value, if not blank, is multiplied by the Change Percentage value. If the Fixed field is blank, the current sub-element amount is multiplied by the Change Percentage.
    For example, if the value for Fixed is 200 and the value for Change Percentage is -5, the resulting cost of the sub-element is 190:

    10. Optionally, enter an Change Amount by which to increase or decrease the sub-element amount by a fixed amount.
    For example, the sub-element amount before this update is 25, and you enter 10 in the Change Amount field, the new amount for the sub-element is 35.
    An Change Amount can also be used with an Change Percentage to increase or decrease the sub-element cost after it is modified by the amount entered in the Change Percentage field. If, the Change Amount is 10 and the Change Percentage is 5, the resulting cost of the sub-element is 195:

    11. Select a material sub-element by which to limit the mass edit of items associated with a specific material sub-element.
    12. Optionally, indicate whether to copy costs from a specific cost type before performing the mass edit. If you set Copy Costs to Yes, specify the cost type to copy costs from.
    13. Indicate whether to print a cost type comparison report. If enabled, specify the cost type to compare with the current cost type.

   To mass edit material overhead costs:

    1. Select a cost type.
    2. Select a range of Items From and To.
    3. Indicate whether to edit only items that have a Based on Rollup attribute set to Yes, only those items that have a Based on Rollup set to No, or leave blank to indicate all items.
    4. Select a Category Set. The default is the category for your costing functional responsibility.
    5. Optionally, select a range of Categories From and To.
    6. Optionally, select a basis type by which to limit the mass edit.
    7. Optionally, select a specific activity to mass edit only items associated with a specific activity.
    8. Optionally, select a value to change the current sub-element rate or amount to a new fixed rate or amount.
    The system considers this a currency amount if the sub-element being updated has a basis type of Item, Lot, or Resource Units. For example, if the functional currency is U.S. Dollars, 10 = $10. If the sub-element basis type is Resource Value or Total Value, the value entered is used as a percentage (for example, 10 = 1000%). You can use this value with the Change Percentage and/or the Change Amount fields.
    Leave this field blank to have the current sub-element rate or amount modified by the values entered in the Change Percentage and/or the Change Amount fields.
    9. Optionally, enter an Change Percentage (positive or negative) by which to increase or decrease the sub-element rate or amount.
    The Fixed Rate value, if not blank, is multiplied by the Change Percentage value. If the Fixed Rate field is blank, the current sub-element rate or amount is multiplied by the Change Percentage. For example, if Fixed Rate is 0.20 and Change Percentage is -10, the resulting rate of the sub-element is 0.18:

    10. Optionally, enter an Change Amount by which to increase or decrease the sub-element rate or amount by a fixed amount.
    The system uses this value as a currency amount if the sub-element being updated has a basis type of Item, Lot, or Resource Units. For example, if the functional currency is U.S. Dollars, the sub-element amount before this update is 25, and you enter 10 in this field, the new amount for the sub-element is 35. If the sub-element basis type is Resource Value or Total Value, the value you enter is used as a percentage. For example, if the sub-element rate before this update is 250% and you enter 0.25, the new rate for the sub-element is 275%.
    An Change Amount can also be used with an Change Percentage to increase or decrease the sub-element cost after it is modified by the amount entered in the Change Percentage field. If, the Change Amount is 10 and the Change Percentage is 5, the resulting cost of the sub-element is 195:

    11. Select a material overhead sub-element by which to limit the mass edit of items associated with a specific material overhead sub-element.
    12. Optionally, indicate whether to copy costs from a specific cost type before performing the mass edit. If you set Copy Costs to Yes, specify the cost type to copy costs from.
    13. Indicate whether to print a cost type comparison report. If enabled, specify the cost type to compare with the current cost type.

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