Purchase Order Document Control


Before documents are approved, you can delete them or their components from the document entry window.

Attention: If you are using automatic numbering, you cannot reuse document numbers that you delete with this option.

You can also use the appropriate entry window to delete unapproved lines, shipments, and distributions that you added to previously approved documents.

If you use online requisitions, Purchasing returns all requisitions associated with your delete action to the requisition pool. You can reassign these unfilled requisitions to other purchase orders or releases using the AutoCreate Documents window. 


Purchasing lets you terminate an existing commitment to buy from a supplier by cancelling document headers, lines, shipments, or releases.

When you cancel a purchase order entity, you are unable to receive or pay for cancelled items and services, however, you can pay for all previously received orders. You also cannot modify a cancelled entity or its components. For example, if you cancel a line you cannot modify the associated shipments and distributions.

If you cancel a document header, you cannot access the document in the corresponding entry form. You can approve documents that include cancelled entities (lines and shipments), but you cannot approve documents that are cancelled at the header level. You can also communicate cancelled documents to the supplier. Purchasing marks these documents with a cancellation notice to highlight this action to the supplier. 

If you are using encumbrance and budgetary control, Purchasing automatically creates negative debit encumbrance journal entries in your general ledger system to reverse the encumbrance that corresponds to the document header, lines, or shipments you are cancelling. 

The amount of the encumbrance is the lesser of the unbilled or undelivered amount on the shipment being cancelled. If the amount delivered is more than the billed at the time the shipment is cancelled, the encumbrance is left on the purchase order, awaiting invoicing of the delivered but not yet billed amount.

If you are using online requisitions with quantity or amount based line types, Purchasing returns unfilled requisitions associated with cancelled purchase order entities to the requisition pool based on the Cancel Requisitions control you specify in the Purchasing Options window. If you are using online requisitions with rate or fixed price based line types the unfilled requisitions are cancelled.


You order 100 items from a supplier, and after receiving 30 of these items, you realize that you no longer have a need for the outstanding balance. Cancel the remaining 70 items, print the purchase order, and send it to the supplier to indicate contractually that you do not want to take delivery of these items.

You should cancel documents or their components only if you are absolutely certain that all desired activities have been completed; you cannot undo a cancel action.

You can cancel an entire requisition or particular requisition lines. However, you cannot cancel a requisition line a buyer placed on a purchase order, modified during AutoCreate, or placed on a sales order.

If a buyer places a requisition line on a purchase order, you cannot cancel the requisition line or the corresponding requisition header until you cancel or final close all purchase order lines associated with the requisition.

Similarly, you cannot cancel a requisition if any of its lines are on an active internal sales order. However, if the related internal sales order is cancelled, you should cancel the originating requisition line.

When you cancel a requisition related to a cancelled sales order, the quantity cancelled on the requisition line is the same as the quantity cancelled on the sales order line, not the remainder of the requisition.

You cannot cancel a purchase order if there are batch receiving transactions in the receiving interface awaiting processing against the purchase order.

If you partially received a shipment corresponding to multiple distributions, Purchasing cannot always cancel the shipment. To make sure Purchasing can cancel a shipment, enter the delivery transactions for the receipts you entered against that shipment. You can use express delivery to facilitate this process.

Use the Control Document window to cancel a single document or its entities. Use the Define MassCancel and Run MassCancel windows to cancel many documents by accounting distribution and date range. 

The following business rules apply to the Cancel action functionality:

When buyers cancel an approved document at the header level, Oracle Purchasing will not launch the Approval Workflow (APPROVAL WF) for Cancel actions . The application creates the document's new revision, if the document is approved and maintains archived and action history indicating the cancel action. This information is communicated to suppliers.

Buyers can cancel purchasing documents at any level : header, line, and shipment, that are at the Requires Reapproval status. For example, buyers can cancel a shipment that is at the Requires Reapproval status.

When a buyer cancels a purchasing document that has changes since its last revision, the application displays a warning message, which clearly indicates changes, if any, in the Quantity, Amount, Price, Need By, and Promised Date fields. The application does not validate any other fields when performing the cancel action. 

Buyers can revert changes in specific fields and continue with the cancel action. Communication is sent to the supplier along with PDF attachment, which reflects the changed details. Note that this change does not impact blanket purchase agreements as there are no shipments for these documents. If there is a change in the listed attributes of only one shipment, then the warning indicates the changes done clearly. But, if changes are there to multiple shipments, then the warning is generic indicating that there are some pending changes to the document and buyers can ignore the changes if they want and continue with the transaction.

When invoice cancellation happens after the cancellation of a purchase order, the Canceled Quantity on the purchase order line or the purchase order total reflects the quantity which was utilized by invoice. To correctly recalculate quantity, buyers must final close the document in Oracle Purchasing. Communication is sent to the supplier along with PDF attachment, which reflects the correct recalculated quantity.

Buyers can recreate a demand for internal requisition if the complex purchase order line is not received or billed. If a complex order is partially received or invoiced or if the cancellation is at the shipment level, then demand cannot be recreated for complex purchase orders.

Final Close

Prevent modifications to or actions against completed documents, lines, and shipments by final closing them. Final-closed documents are not accessible in the corresponding entry forms, and you cannot perform the following actions against final-closed entities: receive, transfer, inspect, deliver, correct receipt quantities, invoice, return to supplier, or return to receiving. 

You can approve documents that include final-closed entities, but you cannot approve documents that are final closed at the header level. You can print final-closed documents; this is an internal control action that has no bearing on your contractual relationship with the supplier. Finally, you can Purge documents that were final closed at the header level before the Last Activity Date that you specify when you submit Purge. 

You should final close documents or their components only if you are absolutely certain that all desired activities have been completed; you cannot undo a final-close action.

If you are using encumbrance and budgetary control, final close automatically creates credit encumbrance journal entries in your general ledger system to reverse the encumbrance that corresponds to the document header, lines, or shipments you are final closing. The amount of the encumbrance depends on whether the shipment is using online or period end accruals. For online accruals the encumbrance amount is the undelivered amount. For period end accruals the encumbrance amount is the unbilled amount.

If you are using encumbrance accounting you may want to finally close a cancelled shipment for which you have encumbrance balances (from any quantity delivered but not billed at the time the shipment was cancelled, or from invoices cancelled after the shipment was cancelled). In this case, the the final close action will remove any encumbrance balances that were on the shipment.

If you are using online requisitions, Purchasing does not return unfilled requisitions associated with final-closed purchase order entities to the requisition pool. You must cancel or final close these requisitions using the Control Document window. 

Payables can also final close documents during Payables Approval for purchase order matched invoices only, if you select Allow Final Matching in the Payables Options window. 

You can final close an entire requisition or particular requisition lines. However, you cannot final close a requisition line a buyer placed on a purchase order, modified during AutoCreate, or placed on a sales order.

If a buyer places a requisition line on a purchase order, you cannot final close the requisition line or the corresponding requisition header until you cancel or final close all purchase order lines associated with the requisition.

Similarly, you cannot final close a requisition if any of its lines are on an active internal sales order. If the related internal sales order is closed, you can final close the originating requisition line.

You cannot final close a purchase order if there are batch receiving transactions in the receiving interface awaiting processing against the purchase order.


Freeze your purchase orders and releases to prevent changes or additions while maintaining the ability to receive and match invoices against received shipments. You cannot access frozen documents in the entry forms.

Use the Control Document window to freeze or unfreeze a document. 


Place documents on hold to unapprove them while preventing printing, receiving, invoicing, and future approval until you remove the hold.


After sending a purchase order to a supplier and receiving some items, you discover a severe quality problem with one of the incoming lots. While you wait for corrective action from the supplier, place the document on hold until the problem is resolved.

Use the Control Document window to place a document on hold, or remove a hold. 


When you firm an order, Master Scheduling/MRP uses the firm date to create a time fence within which it will not suggest new planned purchase orders, cancellations, or reschedule-in actions. It continues to suggest reschedule-out actions for orders within the time fence. If several shipments with different promised or need-by dates reference the same item, Master Scheduling/MRP sets the time fence at the latest of all scheduled dates.

You can firm orders at the document header or shipment level. If you firm at the header level, Purchasing applies this control to every shipment on the document.


When you negotiate delivery dates for an allocated commodity, the supplier warns that you will be unable to expedite or cancel this order. Firm the order to prevent Master Scheduling/MRP from assuming you have this flexibility in its planning logic.

Use the relevant document entry window to firm a given order. 
You can also create firm time fences for specific items using the Item window. 

Close, Close for Receiving, Close for Invoicing

Purchasing automatically closes shipments for receiving and invoicing based on controls that you specify in the Purchasing Options window. Once all shipments for a given line are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the line. When all lines for a given header are closed, Purchasing automatically closes the document.

You can specify closing controls including: Receipt Close Tolerance, Receipt Close Point, and Invoice Close Tolerance. 

The Receipt Close Tolerance lets you specify a quantity percentage within which Purchasing closes a partially received shipment. For example, if your Receipt Close Tolerance is 5% and you receive 96% of an expected shipment, Purchasing automatically closes this shipment for receiving.

The Receipt Close Point lets you choose which receiving action (Received, Accepted, or Delivered) you want to use as the point when Purchasing closes a shipment for receiving based on the Receipt Close Tolerance. For example, if you set a Receipt Close Tolerance of 5% and choose Delivered as your Receipt Close Point, Purchasing closes shipments for receiving when you have delivered 95% or more of the ordered quantity.

The Invoice Close Tolerance lets you specify a similar quantity percentage within which Purchasing automatically closes partially invoiced shipments for invoicing.

Purchasing does not include closed shipments in the Open Purchase Order reports, and you can purge documents that were closed at the header level before the Last Activity Date that you specify in the Submit Purge window. 

You can close and reopen documents and their components for invoicing and receiving using the Control Document window. You can reopen a document at any time by modifying it or taking another action against it. 

Note: The Close for Invoicing status does not prevent you from matching an invoice to a purchase order or to a receipt.

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