Account Aliases

Account Aliases

An account alias is an easily recognized name or label representing a general ledger account number. You can view, report, and reserve against an account alias. During a transaction, you can use the account alias instead of an account number to refer to the account.

Defining an Account Alias

·        Navigate to the Account Aliases window.
·        Enter a unique account alias name derived from concatenated segments of the account alias name key flexfield.
·        Enter the general ledger account to which you charge all transactions that use this account alias. You can change this account only if the account alias has not been referenced.
·        Enter the effective date on which the account alias is enabled. Date must be greater than or equal to the current date.
·        Save your work.

Making an Account Alias Inactive:

Enter the date on which the account alias becomes inactive. As of this date, you can no longer use the account alias. Date must be greater than or equal to both the effective date and the current date.

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