Define Category Set


You need to define category sets to create different category grouping schemes. Category sets group your categories into functional areas, such as inventory, cost, purchasing, order entry, and so on. You can associate different flexfield structures with each category set, thereby introducing different naming structures for your categories.

You may only group categories with the same flexfield structure as the category set in a single category set. For example, the categories metal, rubber, and paper might be members of the Inventory category set, while taxable and non-taxable might be members of the Cost category set. You can also a create category set such as Priority, with members like high, medium, and low and use it as your personal item grouping mechanism for a report.

When you define items, you can assign one or more category sets to an item. Within a category set, you can assign multiple categories to an item. When you install or upgrade Oracle Inventory, Oracle provides the category set Inventory by default. When you upgrade Oracle Inventory from a previous version, your existing categories are assigned to this category set.

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