Approving PO

Use the Approve Document window to take approval actions on documents that you create or modify.

Navigate to the Approve Document window by selecting the Approve button in a document entry window.

Reserve and Unreserve Funds
If you are using encumbrance/budgetary control, Reserve and Unreserve options are available.

  • Reserve: You can reserve funds for the document only if you are using encumbrance/budgetary control. Requisition preparers can choose this option only if Reserve at Completion in the Financials Options window is enabled and the document is currently unreserved. 
When you select Reserve (and then OK), Purchasing reserves the funds now. Purchasing also automatically approves the document if the document has been preapproved, you're the appropriate approver, and no more approvals are required. If you get a message that you cannot reserve the funds, forward the document to an approver who has the authority to reserve them. If you don't select Reserve, but just select Submit for Approval (and then OK), Purchasing reserves funds later, when the approver with the authority to reserve the funds approves the document.
  • Unreserve: You can unreserve funds for the document only if you are using encumbrance/budgetary control and funds are currently reserved for that document.
If you selected Unreserve, enter an Unreserve Date that falls within an open reserve period.

Submit PO for Approval
Select Submit for Approval to send the PO document for approval and click 

Select Forward only if you want to forward the document to someone other than the next approver in the default Approval Path.

If you select Forward, you must enter a Forward To person. If you don't select Forward, Purchasing will automatically route the document to the appropriate person in the Approval Path, if you're not the appropriate approver.

If the Forward To person is higher up in the default (or selected) Approval Path, but still does not have enough approval authority, Purchasing will continue the approval process with the next person in that Approval Path. If the Forward To person is not in the default (or selected) Approval Path, and also does not have enough approval authority, you will receive an Approver Not Found notification.

New Approval Path
If Allow Change to Approval Hierarchy is selected for the document type, you can select a new Approval Path. 

Approval Workflow Process
The document is submitted to the approval process, which routes the document to the appropriate approvers based on the approval hierarchies and controls you've defined. If Owner Can Approve is enabled for the specific document type in the Document Types window and you have the authority to approve the document, then choosing OK approves the document.

Canceling Approval Action
Choose the Cancel button to cancel your approval action and return to your document entry window.

Change Forward From Person
For requisitions only, if you have selected Forward as the action and if Allow change to Forward-From is enabled for the document type in the Document Types window, you can change the Forward From person to the original preparer or to any requestor on a line of the requisition. 

Changing the Forward To Person
If you have selected Forward as the action and if Allow change to Forward-To is enabled for the document type in the Document Types window, you can change the Forward To person. 

The Forward To value is a default from the employee/supervisor relationship or from the approval hierarchy, depending on whether you are using approval hierarchies.

Enter Approval Notes
Enter notes in the Note field to record information about your approval action or provide instructions for the next approver if your document requires additional authorization. 

Printing the Document

If you select Print, the document will automatically print once it is approved.

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