Define Transaction Types


If you want to use your own terminology for certain kinds of transactions, you need to define your own transaction types. You create a transaction type by combining a transaction source type with a transaction action. A transaction action is a predefined method of changing the quantity and/or location and/or cost of an item. For example, if you create a transaction type with the transaction action "Issue from stores", you can use that transaction type to enter an issue transaction. You may use one of six predefined transaction actions: issue from stores, subinventory transfer, direct organization transfer, intransit shipment, cost update and receipt into stores.

For example, you can create a transaction source type called Donation along with a list of account numbers in the value set. You can then create a transaction type called Donation Receipt by combining the transaction action Receipt into stores and the transaction source type Donation. Now you can perform a receipt transaction by choosing the Donation Receipt transaction type and an account number from the value set associated with the Donation transaction source type. 

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