Organization Items

Use the Organization Items window to update Organization level item attributes for your current organization. 

To update organization level attributes:

  • Navigate to the Organization Items Summary folder window.
Responsibility: Inventory
Navigation: Items --> Organization Items


  • Choose Find from the Query menu to display the Find Items window.
  • Enter search criteria and choose Find to locate the item or items you want to update. Multiple items display in the Organization Items Summary window, a single item displays in the Organization Item window.
  • If you search returned multiple items, select an item and choose Open. The Organization Item window appears.
  • Select an alternative region to display an item attribute group where you can update values for organization level attributes in that group.
  • Note: To locate a particular attribute without manually looking through the tabbed regions choose Find Attribute from the Tools menu.
  • Save your work

To update organization level attributes using a Template:
  • From the Organization Item window choose Copy From on the Tools menu.

  • Enter the name of the template you want to apply.
  • Choose Copy. The template is applied immediately.
  • You can apply multiple templates to the item. The more recent attribute values (from the last template applied) override previous values unless the previous value is not updatable (such as the Primary Unit of Measure, which is never updatable).
  • Save your work.

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