Define Kanban Pull Sequences

Oracle Inventory Setup - Optional


Kanban is a scheduling system that is used in just-in-time inventory replenishment programs to help companies improve their production and reduce their overall inventory. In traditional Kanban, employees use visual signals to tell how much to run during a production process. Visual signals also let them know when to stop or change over.

Kanban was developed by Toyota after World War 2 (“kanban” means “signboard” or “billboard” in Japanese).

In Kanban or Visual Signaling System, each area on the production line pulls just enough components or raw material and the correct type of components that the process requires. This is done at exactly the time they are needed, rather than requiring companies to have a projected amount of material on hand which may prove unnecessary.

Kanban in Oracle Inventory

If you plan to use kanban functionality, you must define kanban pull sequences. A pull sequence is a group of information that defines a kanban location, source information, and planning parameters for an item that model the replenishment network on the shop floor.

A kanban location can be a subinventory or an inventory locator. The replenishment source for a kanban location can be another kanban location, a production line, or an external source. You can use locators even if locator control is turned off at the organization, subinventory, and item levels.

Kanbans can be sourced from an external supplier or an internal organization. A Supplier Source Type kanban triggers a purchase request to the supplier, while an inter-org. Source Type kanban results in an interorganization transfer.


Use the Kanban Pull Sequences window to define the source of replenishment for a kanban planned item in a kanban location:

1. Begin by navigating to the Pull Sequence Summary window.

2. Use the Organizations window to select the appropriate organization.

3. Click the M1 - Seattle Manufacturing list item.

4. Use the Find Pull Sequence window to search for existing pull sequences or to create new pull sequences.

5. Click the New button.

6. Use the Pull Sequence Summary window to define a kanban pull sequence.

7. Click in the Item field.

8. Enter the desired information into the Item field. 

9. The Source Type is the material replenishment source.

10. Click the Source Type list.

11. Click the Intra Org list item.

12. This is the subinventory location to replenish. Click in the Subinventory field.

13. Enter the desired information into the Subinventory field. 

14. Click in the Source Subinventory field.

15. Enter the desired information into the Source Subinventory field. 

16. Click the Kanban tab.

17. Click the horizontal scrollbar.

18. Click in the Number of Cards field.

19. Enter the desired information into the Number of Cards field. 

20. Click the Save button.

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