Purchase Requisition Lines

Lines Region Fields

To enter the first line of your purchase requisition, Navigate to the Lines tabbed region in the Requisitions window.

Notice the following changes in the appearance of the requisition:

Some of the fields became yellow, while others remained white. The yellow fields are REQUIRED and must contain text prior to completion, while the white fields remain OPTIONAL. If all required fields are not completed, the requisition will not save, and the document cannot advance in the procurement process.

Num: Line number

Type: The box beneath the heading “Type” automatically populates with the word Goods. Enter another line Type from the list of values if you want to change Goods line type. Line types help you define how you want to categorize your items. The default for this field is the Line Type from the Purchasing Options window.

Item: For quantity-based line types and outside processing line types, enter the Item you want to request. Purchasing displays defaults for purchasing category, item description, unit of measure, and unit price for this item.

Rev: Enter the Revision (if any) that corresponds to the item you want to order.

Category: This field is populated automatically for the Inventory Item that has a category assigned to it and it is not updatable. For updatable category field, view the drop-down list of values and pick whatever category best suits the item you are purchasing. Double-click the selected item category or highlight it and press “OK”.

Description: When you enter an item number, Purchasing displays the item description from the Items window. You can change this description only if the “Allow Description Update” attribute for the item is enabled. If you don’t enter an item number, enter a brief description of what you are purchasing in the “Description” field. In the given example, John Smith wishes to purchase two leather chairs. Tab once to advance.

if a supplier for the item in question quoted you a price, then enter that quote here.

Completing the Bottom Section of the Purchase Requisition. There are five more yellow fields (required) in the bottom section of the document.

Destination Type: has already been populated with the word “Expense”.

UOM (Unit of Measure): If you enter an item number, Purchasing defaults the unit of measure for this item. If you change this value, the quantity is rounded again if appropriate, and the price is recalculated. If you enter a line type that is amount based, Purchasing uses the unit of measure that you assigned to that line type in the Line Types window. You cannot change the unit of measure of amount-based items. View the “Unit of Measure” drop-down list and select the required UOM if you want to change the defaulted UOM.

Quantity: Enter the number of items you are purchasing here. In the given example, John Smith wishes to purchase two leather chairs so the “Quantity” field he entered is "2". If your unit of measure is “Hours”, then your quantity should designate the number of hours to purchase, etc.

Price: This is the price per unit of measure. If you do not know the price, you must enter an estimate of the price.

Need-by: This is the Need by Date and Time for the requested items. This is required only for planned items. You must enter a date greater than or equal to the requisition creation date.

Source Region Fields

When the source type is Supplier, you can enter the:

Note to Buyer: A note which is displayed to the buyer when viewing the requisition line.

Buyer: The buyer name which is assigned to the requisition line.

RFQ Required: RFQ required to be created for this requisition.

Supplier Item Number: Supplier item code for the requested item.

Source Document Type (Blanket, Contract, or Quotation): To be selected if the item is selected from a previous source document.

Source Document: Source document number

Document Line Number: Source document line number

Global Checkbox: If you have chosen a global agreement as the source document the Global box will be checked and the owning organization displayed.

Contract Number: If Oracle Project Contracts is installed you can enter Contract number and Rev (version number) in this region. Additional project contract information can be entered in the Distributions window.

Details Region Fields

Justification: Any justification note for the requested item

Note to Receiver: A note which will be displayed to the receiver in receipts form

Transaction Nature: A pre-defined list of values descripting the nature of the purchasing transaction

Reference Number: A reference number which may refer to an internal document number

UN Number: A number which is used internationally for the requested item

Hazard Class: The item hazard class. Select from a pre-defined list of values

Currency Region Fields

Currency: Enter a suggested currency for the requisition line. This must be an enabled code from the Currency window. The cursor enters the remaining currency fields only if you have entered a currency here.

Rate Type: Select one of three exchange rate types: Corporate, user or spot

Spot: An exchange rate which you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.

Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. This rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.

User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry.

Rate Date: Enter the currency rate date.

Rate: Enter the currency conversion rate. Purchasing overrides this default when you are entering requisition lines if the rate type is not User and if you have established a rate for the rate type and date.


Other Fields

The lower part of the screen below the Lines tabbed region consists of optional fields for which the default can be set in the Requisition Preferences window.

Destination Type: Chose one of the following:

  • Expense - The goods are delivered to the requestor at an expense location. The destination subinventory is not applicable.
  • Inventory - The goods are received into inventory upon delivery.
  • Shop Floor - The goods are delivered to an outside processing operation defined by Work in Process. Purchasing uses this option for outside processing items.
Requestor: It is populated with your name since the default is the requisition preparer. Enter the name of the employee who is requesting the item if he is different than the preparer. You must provide a Requestor before you can approve the requisition.

Organization: The requesting organization.

Location: This field is the delivery location of the purchased items. A drop down list of values will appear and you can select the location.

Subinventory: This field applies only when the Destination Type is Inventory.

Source: This field automatically populates with “Supplier” when you click in it. The source type determines the source of the requisitioned items. The choice you have in this field is dependent on the PO: Legal Requisition Type profile option. You may be able to use either the Inventory or the Supplier source type, or both types.

Supplier: this field is not required. However, if you have a specific supplier from which you wish to make the purchase, click on the drop-down list of values and type in the name of the supplier to see if it exists in the system. For the Supplier source type, enter the suggested Supplier, Supplier Site, Contact, and Phone.

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