Define Suppliers

You may not need to perform this step if you have already installed and set up Oracle Payables or performed a common-applications setup. See: Entering Suppliers.


       Define Pay Groups and Supplier Types in the Payables QuickCodes window. See: Quickcodes.
       If you have installed Purchasing, complete Purchasing setup. See: Setting Up Purchasing.

Purchasing Prerequisites

       If you use Oracle Purchasing, define FOB codes, Freight Terms codes, Minority Groups, Pay Groups, and Supplier Types in the QuickCodes window. See: QuickCodes.
       If you use Oracle Purchasing, define Ship Via codes in the Defining Freight Carriers window. See: Defining Freight Carriers.

   To enter basic supplier information:

    1. In the Suppliers Summary or the Suppliers detail window, enter a unique Supplier Name.
Suggestion: You may want to use a naming convention that minimizes risk of separate entries of the same supplier under different names. For example, if you consistently spell the full name of a supplier, you would not enter both Oracle Corp. and Oracle Corporation. Both would be accepted by the system as different suppliers and the transactions for each would be separate.

    If you enable the Automatic Supplier Numbering option in the Financials Options window, Payables automatically enters a Supplier Number for you. If you did not enable this option, enter a unique Supplier Number.
    Optionally enter the supplier's tax identification number in the Taxpayer ID field. For example, an individual's social security number, or a corporation or partnership's federal identification number/federal tax ID.
    Optionally enter the value-added tax (VAT) registration number in the Tax Registration Number field if you are entering a VAT supplier.
    If you want to prevent invoice or purchase order entry for this supplier after a certain date, enter an Inactive date.
    2. If you are in the Suppliers Summary, choose Open to navigate to the Suppliers detail window.
    Enter any additional Supplier information you want to record in the appropriate region of the Suppliers detail window. If the information also appears in the Supplier Sites window, the Supplier information will default to the Supplier Site. See the following field references for detailed information for any region.
    3. To enter a supplier site, in the Sites region of the Suppliers detail window, choose New and choose Open to navigate to the Supplier Sites window.
    Enter the Supplier Site Name and address. The Site Name will not appear on documents you send to the supplier. It is for your reference when you select a supplier site from a list of values during transaction entry. Enter any additional Supplier Site information you want to record in the appropriate region. If supplier information automatically defaults to its new supplier sites you enter for the supplier, you can override these defaults. See the following field references for detailed information for any region.
    4. Save your work.

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