Associating WIP Accounting Classes with Categories

In a standard costing organization, you can associate standard discrete and repetitive assembly WIP accounting classes with categories that belong to the default category set for the Product Line Functional area. In an average costing organization, you can create similar associations by associating accounting classes with categories and cost groups.

The defaults defined in this window can be defaulted when you create discrete jobs, associate repetitive assemblies with project lines, and when you perform work order-less completions. 

To define default WIP accounting classes for categories in a standard costing organization.

1. Navigate to the Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window. The Find Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window appears.

2. Choose the New button. The Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window appears.

3. Select a Category.You must select a category. You can only select categories that belong to the default category set for the Product Line Functional area.4. Select a Standard Discrete and/or Repetitive Assembly Accounting Class.You can only select active Standard Discrete and Repetitive Assembly accounting classes. You can optionally associate both a Standard Discrete and Repetitive Assembly accounting class with the same category. 

To define default WIP accounting classes for categories in a average costing organization:

1. Navigate to the Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window. The Find Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window appears.

2. Choose the New button. The Default WIP Accounting Classes for Categories window appears.

3. Select a Cost Group. If the Project Cost Collection Enabled parameter in the Organization Parameters window is set, the cost group specified in the Project Manufacturing parameters window is defaulted but can be overridden. 

If the Project Cost Collection Enabled parameter is not set, you cannot select a cost group and the common cost group is defaulted.

4. Select a Category. You must select a category. You can only select categories that belong to the default category set for the Product Line Functional area.5. Select a Standard Discrete Accounting Class. You can only select an active Standard Discrete accounting class. 

6. Save your work.

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