Shipping Networks

Shipping Networks

Inter-organization shipping network information describes the relationships and accounting information that exists between a shipping (from) organization that ships inventory to a destination (to) organization.
Depending on the function security assigned to your responsibility, you can define a shipping network between the current organization and another organization or between any two organizations. The function security assigned to your responsibility determines whether you have the ability to define shipping networks for all organizations or just the current organization.

Defining Shipping Network

Shipping Network Basic Information

1. Navigate to the Shipping Networks window.
2. Determine if the organization displayed is the To Organization, From Organization, or the From or To Organization.
Note: If your function security allows multiple organization access, you can enter any organization. Otherwise, the Organization field is display only.
3. To define a new shipping network for the current organization choose New Record from the Edit menu. To enter a new record in a single-row window choose the New button.
To find existing shipping network information for the current organization choose Find.
4. Select the Main alternative region.
5. Enter the shipping or From organization.
6. Enter the destination or To organization.
7. Enter the transfer type:
Direct: Inter-organization transfers move inventory directly from the shipping organization to the destination organization.
8. If you selected Intransit in the Transfer Type field, select the FOB terms:
Receipt: The shipping organization owns the shipment until the destination organization receives it.
Shipment: The destination organization owns the shipment when the from organization ships it (and while the shipment is in transit).
9. If you selected Intransit in the Transfer Type field, select a receipt routing option:
Standard: Receive this item first, then deliver without inspection.
Direct: At receipt, deliver this item directly to its location.
Inspection: Receive this item first, inspect it, then deliver.
10. Indicate whether an internal order is required for each transfer.
11. Save your work.

Transfer Charge Information:

1. Select the Transfer, Distance alternative region.
None: Do not add transfer charges.
Predefined Percent: Automatically add a predefined percent of the transaction value.
Requested Value: Enter a discrete value to add.
Requested Percent: Enter a discrete percentage of the transfer value to add.
The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization.
3. If you selected Predefined Percent in the Transfer Charge Type field, enter the percentage value to add to a material transfer. For example, a value of 10 equals a transaction value of 10%.
The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization.
4. Optionally, you can define the following:
Enter the unit of measure for the distance from the shipping organization to the destination organization.
   To define account information:
1. Select the Primary Accounts alternative region.
The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization.

Additional Account Information:

1. Select the Secondary Accounts alternative region.
Note: The default values for the following fields are the values you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping and destination organizations. See: 

Intransit Account Information

1. Select the Intransit Account alternative region.
2. Enter the general ledger account used to hold the intransit inventory value.
   To enter intransit lead time for shipping methods:
1. Select Shipping Methods on the Special menu to open the Inter-org Shipping Methods window.
2. Enter the shipping method for which you want to associate an intransit lead time for the displayed from and to organizations.
3. Enter the intransit lead time in days.
4. Save your work.

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