Inventory Glossary - N

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new average cost
Cost of an item after a transaction that affects the average cost is processed. See current average cost.
new on-hand quantity
The quantity on-hand immediately after the transaction is performed and saved. Equal to current on-hand quantity plus total quantity. See current on-hand quantitytotal quantity.
non-standard asset job
A type of non-standard job carried as an asset during the life of the job.
non-standard discrete job
A type of discrete job that controls material and resources and collects costs for a wide variety of miscellaneous manufacturing activities. These activities can include rework, field service repair, upgrade, disassembly, maintenance, engineering prototypes, and other projects. Non-standard jobs do not earn material overhead upon assembly completion.
non-standard expense job
A type of non-standard job expensed at the close of each accounting period. Typical expense jobs include maintenance and repair.

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