Set Up Earnest Money Deposit

In order to integrate with Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payables, set up the following in Oracle Financials.

Using the System Administrator responsibility set the value of the profile option AR: Deposit Offset Account Source as Transaction Type at the site and responsibility level.

Flexfield Segments

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, navigate to (N) Setup >Financials > Flexfields > Descriptive > Segments. Click the Find icon to search for and display the Receivables Line Transaction Flexfield. The Context Field Values region will display EMD Transactions in the Code column.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Unselect the Freeze Flexfield Definition checkbox. A Caution popup appears: Unfreezing this flexfield and making changes to the segment definitions could affect the validity of the data already existing for this flexfield. Click Ok to continue.

    Note: These segments may already be seeded in your instance, please check for them before you enter any user-defined segments.

  3. Click Segments and enter the segments for the EMD Transactions. Enter the following in the Segments window:

    NameWindow PromptColumnValue SetDisplayed checkboxEnabled checkbox
    Negotiation NumberNegotiation NumberINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Vendor Party IdVendor Party IdINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Vendor Party Site IdVendor Party Site IdINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Party Contact IdParty Contact IdINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Bill NumberBill NumberINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Bill InfoBill InfoINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Emd Group IDEmd Group IDINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7120 charactersCheckedChecked
    Emd Transaction IDEmd Transaction IDINTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8120 charactersCheckedChecked

    Your Segment window should appear as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Save your work and close the Segments window. Exit from the Descriptive Flexfields Segments window.

Transaction Types

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, navigate to Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Transaction Types.

  2. Enter information to setup the following transaction types: EMD Deposit, EMD Credit Memo and EMD Invoice.

  3. For EMD Deposit setup, enter the following information in the Transaction Types window:

    • Name: EMD Deposit

    • Class: Deposit

    • Transaction Status: Open

    • Invoice Type: EMD Invoice

    • Start Date: any start date

    • Description: Deposit Transaction Type for EMD from Oracle Sourcing

    • Creation Sign: Positive Sign

    • Printing Option: Print

    • Credit Memo Type: EMD Credit Memo

  4. Select the following checkboxes:

    • Open Receivable

    • Post to GL

    • Natural Application Only

  5. Click the Accounts tab and enter the following account information:

    • Receivable Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Revenue Account: enter the appropriate account code

  6. Click the Deposit tab and enter the following account information:

    • Receivable Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Offset Account: enter the appropriate account code

  7. Save your work.

    The Transaction Types window appears as follows for the EMD Deposit Transaction Type:

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. For EMD Credit Memo setup, enter the following information in the Transaction Types window:

    • Name: EMD Credit Memo

    • Class: Credit Memo

    • Transaction Status: Open

    • Start Date: any start date

    • Description: Credit Memo for refunding EMD amount in Oracle Sourcing

    • Creation Sign: Negative Sign

    • Printing Option: Print

  9. Select the following checkboxes:

    • Open Receivable

    • Post to GL

    • Natural Application Only

  10. Click the Accounts tab and enter the following account information:

    • Receivable Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Revenue Account: enter the appropriate account code

  11. Save your work.

    The Transaction Types window appears as follows for the EMD Credit Memo Transaction Type:

    the picture is described in the document text

  12. For EMD Invoice setup, enter the following information in the Transaction Types window:

    • Name: EMD Invoice

    • Class: Invoice

    • Transaction Status: Open

    • Start Date: any start date

    • Description: Regular Invoice

    • Creation Sign: Positive Sign

    • Printing Option: Print

  13. Select the following checkboxes:

    • Open Receivable

    • Post to GL

    • Natural Application Only

  14. Click the Accounts tab and enter the following account information:

    • Receivable Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Revenue Account: enter the appropriate account code

  15. Save your work.

    The Transaction Types window appears as follows for the EMD Invoice Transaction Type:

    the picture is described in the document text

  16. Close the Transaction Types window.


Navigate to Receivables > Setup > Transactions > AutoAccounting and select the operating unit. Search for the Type with a value of Revenue. In the Segment column, the Accounts row should have a value in the Table Name column.

the picture is described in the document text

Assigning Sequential Numbering to the following EMD entities

  1. Using the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Application > Sequential Numbering > Assign > (T) Document.

  2. Enter the following in the Document tab using the table information below

    ReceivablesEMD Credit MemoYour LedgerAutomatic
    ReceivablesEMD DepositYour LedgerAutomatic
    ReceivablesEMD InvoiceYour LedgerAutomatic
    ReceivablesEMD-CashYour LedgerAutomatic
    ReceivablesEMD-CheckYour LedgerAutomatic
    ReceivablesEMD-Demand DraftYour LedgerAutomatic
  3. Save your work. The window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Click the Assignment tab to enter document sequences for each of the EMD categories.

  5. Enter the EMD_Invoice sequence for the following categories:

    • EMD Credit Memo

    • EMD Deposit

    • EMD Invoice

  6. Enter the EMD_Receipt sequence for the following categories:

    • EMD-Cash

    • EMD-Check

    • EMD-Credit

    • EMD-Demand Draft

  7. Save your work. The Assignment window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

  8. Close the Sequence Assignments window.

Batch Source

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, navigate to Setup > Transactions > Sources > (T) Batch Source to set up a batch source. Enter the following in the Batch Source window:

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: EMD Transaction Source

    • Type: Manual

    • Description: EMD transaction sources for transactions from Oracle Sourcing

  2. Select the following checkboxes:

    • Active

    • Automatic Batch Numbering

    • Automatic Transaction Numbering

  3. Enter the remaining information in the Batch Source tab:

    • Last Number: 999

    • Reference Field Default Value: interface_header_attribute1

    • Standard Transaction Type: EMD Deposit

    • Credit Memo Batch Source: EMD Transaction Source

  4. Save your work. The window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Enter the following information for the next batch source - EMD Import Invoice Batch Source:

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: EMD Import Invoice Batch Source

    • Type: Imported

    • Description: EMD Import Invoice Batch Source

  6. Select the following checkboxes:

    • Active

    • Automatic Batch Numbering

    • Automatic Transaction Numbering

  7. Enter the remaining information in the Batch Source tab:

    • Last Number: 999

    • Reference Field Default Value: interface_header_attribute1

    • Standard Transaction Type: EMD Invoice

    • Credit Memo Batch Source: null

  8. Save your work and close the Batch Sources window.

  9. Using the same responsibility, create memo lines by navigating to: (N) Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Memo Lines.

  10. Enter the following information:

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: EMD Memo Line (Invoice)

    • Description: EMD Memo Line (Invoice)

    • Type: Line

    • Revenue Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Account Description: Operations-No Department-Reserve for Returns-No Sub Account-No Product

    • Active Dates: 1-NOV-2008

  11. Save your work, your window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

  12. Close the Standard Memo Lines window.

Payment Terms

  1. Using the same responsibility, enter / confirm the Payment Terms. Navigate to (N) Receivables > Setup > Transactions > Payment Terms. Enter the following information for creating a new payment term:

    • Name: IMMEDIATE

    • Description: Term for chargeback or debit memo

    • Base Amount: 100

    • Discount Basis: Invoice Amount

    • Effective Dates: 01-JAN-1966

    • Installment Options: Include tax and freight in first installment

  2. In the Payment Schedule region, enter the following:

    • Seq: 1

    • Relative Amount: 100

    • Due Days: 0

  3. Save your work and close the Payment Terms window. The window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

Receipt Class

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, enter the Receipt Class. Navigate to (N) Receivables > Receipts > Receipts Classes.

  2. In the Receipt Class region, enter the following:

    • Name: EMD Manual

    • Creation Method: Manual

    • Remittance Method: Standard

    • Clearance Method: By Automatic Clearing

  3. In the Receipt Method region, enter the following:

    • Name: EMD-Cash

    • Printed Name: EMD-Cash

    • Effective Dates: 01-NOV-2008

  4. Save your work, the Receipt Classes window appears as below:

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Click Bank Accounts to enter the Remittance Bank information:

    • Operating Unit: the selected operating unit

    • Bank Name: enter a bank

    • Branch Name: enter a branch

    • Currency: USD

    • Account Name: enter an account name

    • Minimum Receipt Amount: 0

    • Effective Dates: enter effective dates

  6. Select the Primary check box.

  7. Enter the following in the GL Accounts tab:

    Cash: enter the appropriate account code

    • Receipt Confirmation: enter the appropriate account code

    • Remittance: enter the appropriate account code

    • Bank Charges: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unapplied Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unidentified Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • On Account Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unearned Discount: Unearned Discounts

    • Earned Discounts: Earned Discounts

    • Claim Investigations: Claim Investigation

  8. Save your work and close the Remittance Bank window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  9. EMD-Check Receipt Class

  10. Enter the Receipt Class details in the Receipt Class region:

    • Name: EMD Manual

    • Creation Method: Manual

    • Remittance Method: Standard

    • Clearance Method: By Automatic Clearing

  11. Enter the following in the Receipt Method region:

    • Name: EMD-Check

    • Printed Name: EMD-Check

    • Effective Dates: a date

  12. Click Bank Accounts to enter the Remittance Bank information:

    • Operating Unit: your selected operating unit

    • Bank Name: enter a bank

    • Branch Name: enter a branch

    • Currency: USD

    • Account Name: enter an account name

    • Minimum Receipt Amount: 0

    • Effective Dates: a date

  13. Select the Primary check box.

  14. Enter the following in the GL Accounts tab:

    • Cash: enter the appropriate account code

    • Receipt Confirmation: enter the appropriate account code

    • Remittance: enter the appropriate account code

    • Bank Charges: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unapplied Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unidentified Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • On Account Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unearned Discount: Unearned Discounts

    • Earned Discounts: Earned Discounts

    • Claim Investigations: Claim Investigation

  15. Save your work.

    EMD-Demand Draft Receipt Class

  16. In the Receipt Class region, enter:

    • Name: EMD Manual

    • Creation Method: Manual

    • Remittance Method: Standard

    • Clearance Method: By Automatic Clearing

  17. In the Receipt Method region, enter the following:

    • Name: EMD-Demand Draft

    • Printed Name: EMD-Demand Draft

    • Bank Name: enter a bank

    • Branch Name: enter a branch

    • Currency: USD

    • Account Name: enter an account name

    • Minimum Receipt Amount: 0

    • Effective Dates: a date

  18. Select the Primary check box.

  19. Enter the following in the GL Accounts tab:

    • Cash: enter the appropriate account code

    • Receipt Confirmation: enter the appropriate account code

    • Remittance: enter the appropriate account code

    • Bank Charges: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unapplied Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unidentified Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • On Account Receipts: enter the appropriate account code

    • Unearned Discount: Unearned Discounts

    • Earned Discounts: Earned Discounts

    • Claim Investigations: Claim Investigation

  20. Save your work and close the windows.

Receivable Activity

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, navigate to (N) Receivables > Setup > Receipts > Receivable Activities. Enter the Receivable Activity information as below.

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: Refunds

    • Description: Refunds

    • Type: Refund

  2. Select the Active check box.

  3. In the Accounting region, enter the following:

    • GL Account Source: Activity GL Account

    • Tax Rate Code Source: None

    • Activity GL Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • GL Account Description: Operations – No Department – AR/AP Clearing – No sub Account

  4. Save your work, the window appears as follows:

    the picture is described in the document text

Receipt Sources

  1. Using the Receivables responsibility, enter the Receipt Sources. Navigate to Receivables > Setup > Receipts > Receipt Sources and enter the following information:

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: EMD Receipt Source

    • Description: EMD Receipt Source

  2. In the Receipt Source Type region, select the Manual radio button.

    • Receipt Class: EMD Manual

    • In the Batch Numbering region, select the Automatic radio button

    • Last Number: 102

    • Enter the Effective Dates

    the picture is described in the document text

Receivables System Options

  1. Navigate to Receivables > Setup >System > System Options. Enter the following Receivables System Options as below:

    In the Accounting tab enter:

    • Operating Unit: the default operating unit

    • Name: the default operating unit

    • Realized Gains Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Realized Losses Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Tax Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Cross Currency Rate Type: Corporate

    • Cross Currency Rounding Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Header Rounding Account: enter the appropriate account code

    • Select Automatic Journal Import check box

    • Select Header Level Rounding check box

    • Days per Posting Cycle: 40

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Save your work and close the window.

If you are not using Financial Integration - Setup Steps

If the user is not integrating the EMD functionality with Oracle Financials, navigate to the Administration page and specify an operating unit that will not be used with Financials. Also please ensure that the Enable Integration with Oracle Financials checkbox is not selected. However the user needs to enter the Receivables Payment Type region. Currently the Payment Types of Cash, Check and Demand Draft are supported.

the picture is described in the document text

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