Define Item Catalog Groups


If you make entries for your items in a standard industry catalog or if you want to group your items according to certain descriptive elements, you need to define item catalog groups. An item catalog group consists of descriptive elements to which you assign certain sets of values. When you assign an item to an item catalog group, you can choose descriptive elements from the group and define values for each descriptive element..

For example, you can define an item catalog group called bicycle. You assign descriptive elements of type, size, and color to the group. In the Master Items window, you assign an item XYZ123 to the group bicycle, and choose values for each of the descriptive elements such as racer, 20", red or mountain bike, 18", blue. Now, you can reference your item by both the unique item number (XYZ123) and by the entry in the bicycle catalog (racer, 20", red).

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