Define Item Templates


If you define many items sharing the same values for a number of attributes, you may want to define item templates that help you avoid duplication of effort. An item template is a standard set of attribute values that you use to define or update items. When you apply a template to an item, you set the item attribute values to the template attribute values for those attributes you enable in the template. 

You can apply the same or different templates to an item any number of times. Each new template updates the item definition of those attributes that differ from the previous templates. If an attribute already exists for an item, the more recent value (from the last template applied) overrides the previous value.

For example, you apply a template that has unit of measure EACH and cycle count enabled YES. Then you apply a new template with cycle count enabled NO and carrying cost $25.00. The item definition now has three attributes and values: unit of measure EACH, cycle count enabled NO, and carrying cost $25.00.

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