Associating Expenditure Types with Cost Elements

Expenditure types are used to classify project-related transaction costs that are collected using the Cost Collector then transferred to Oracle Projects.

You must associate 'in' and 'out' expenditure types with each of the five cost elements so that costs for the following inventory transfer transactions can be collected and transferred to Oracle Projects.

Subinventory transfers between locators with different projects or tasks. 
Miscellaneous issue from a project locator. 
Miscellaneous Receipt into a project locator. 

Project related miscellaneous transactions which issue inventory to, or receive it from, Projects.'In' expenditure types are used to cost the value of transfers into a project. 'Out' expenditure types are used to cost the value of transfers out of a project.

To define expenditure types for cost elements

1. Navigate to the Expenditure Types for Cost Elements window.

2. Select a Transfer In / Transfer Out Expenditure type for each of the following cost elements: 
Material: A general ledger account to accumulate material costs. This is usually an asset account.
Material Overhead: A general ledger account to accumulate material overhead or burden costs. This is usually an asset account.
Resource: A general ledger account to accumulate resource costs. This is usually an asset account.
Outside Processing: A general ledger account to accumulate outside processing costs. This is usually an asset account.
Overhead: A general ledger account to accumulate resource or department overhead costs. This is usually an asset account.
Attention: You can choose only choose Expenditure Types that are not defined as Rate Required in Oracle Projects.

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