Inventory Glossary - T

A  B  C    D  E  F    G  H  I    J  K  L    M  N  O    P  Q  R    S  T  U    V  W  X    Y  Z


time fence
A policy or guideline established to note where various restrictions or changes in operating procedures take place. The planning process cannot create or reschedule orders within the planning time fence. This gives the planner the ability to stabilize the plan and thereby minimizing the nervousness of the system.
transaction cost
The cost per unit at which the transaction quantity is valued.
transaction interface
An open interface table through which you can import transactions. See open interface.
transaction manager
A concurrent program that controls your manufacturing transactions.
transaction quantity
The quantity of a transaction.
transaction worker
An independent concurrent process launched by a transaction manager to validate and process your manufacturing transactions.
See route sheet.
two-level master scheduling
A technique that facilitates the forecast explosion of product groupings into related master production schedules. The top-level MPS is usually defined for a product line, family or end product while the second-level is defined for key options and components.

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