Asset Numbers

Asset Number is a unique number that represents an asset or piece of equipment on which maintenance will be performed. An example of an asset number would be a Pump-101, or Toyota Truck 01. Enterprise Asset Management Work Orders are created for assets numbers and rebuildable inventory items.

There are several methods to define a new asset:
  • Create them individually.
  • Copy information from an existing asset.
  • Utilize the multiple asset entry method,
  • Use the Import Asset Number interface,
  • Use the Asset Number WebADI and Asset Attribute WebADI.

You can also use Oracle Web Services to automatically create, update and search for asset numbers. These public interfaces enable you to more easily convert data from another instance or another system.

Warning: You cannot use "_" or "%" when creating an asset number using Oracle EAM.

In addition, when an asset is received and delivered to inventory, an asset number is created automatically.


You must set up the following task prior to defining asset numbers in Oracle eAM:

  • Define asset groups. 

A. Creating Assets Numbers Individually

1. Navigate to the Define Asset Number window: Assets --> Asset Numbers --> Asset Numbers

2. Enter an Asset Number or accept or modify the default, if you have automatic number generation enabled. After an asset is saved, it cannot be deleted. The asset can be deactivated if there are no open work orders or work requests for the asset, and if the asset is not part of an asset hierarchy.

3. Optionally enter an Asset Description, up to 240 characters.

4. Select an Asset Group. This asset group is associated with this asset. 

After an asset group is associated with an asset and then saved, it can be changed under certain conditions. 

5. Enter a value in the Asset Serial Number field, or accept the default value that appears if automatic number generation is enabled. The Asset Serial Number can be modified to be identical to the asset number. The Asset Serial Number might have a non-unique value across organizations, but the asset number must be globally unique, regardless of the defaulting value. When an asset number generates automatically at receipt by the Deliver to Inventory transaction, it defaults to the Item Instance number. You can change it, as long as it is a globally unique number.

6. Optionally associate this asset to an Asset Category. This is the Class and Subclass code, such as CRANE.OVERHEAD or BUILDING.FLOOR. You can select from the combinations associated with the asset group in Master Items windows.

7. Optionally, change the defaulted Organization. This organization may be different than the eAM-enabled organization that maintains the asset. You can define an Asset Group in an organization that is not eAM-enabled, if it is associated with an eAM-enabled organization in its Organization parameters.

8. Within the Main tab, optionally select an Owning Department for this asset to represent the crew responsible for the asset. Notifications regarding work requests are sent to the Primary Approver of the work request's associated asset's current owning department.

9. Optionally select a Criticality code to indicate the importance of the asset to the organization. This field is for information purposes.

10. Optionally select a WIP Accounting Class to identify the Expense cost elements associated with the work performed, such as materials, labor, and resources.

11. Select an Asset Status to indicate the status of the asset; CREATED is the default value.

12. Optionally enter the Area where this asset resides. This is a user-defined listing of logical areas of work. For example, North Plant, East Wing, or Area 

13. Maintainable check box indicates whether this asset is maintainable. If the Maintainable check box is selected, you can create work requests and work orders for this asset. For example, you can create an asset for cost-tracking purposes. For example, you might want to view the cost for all top level assets in an asset hierarchy, but you do not want to maintain those assets. In this situation, do not select this check box. After work orders are created for this asset, you cannot clear this check box unless those work orders are at Complete, Canceled or Closed statuses.

14. Optionally select the Active check box to indicate that the asset is functioning, for example, maintenance work orders can be created for this asset. This check box changes when you activate or deactivate an asset from the Tools menu.

15. Operation Log Enabled check box: Indicate whether Asset Operational Logging is enabled for this asset. If you select this check box, you can view all current and past asset operational information such as Check Out, Check In, associated work requests and work orders. You can remove or add a child asset, remove a parent asset, activate or deactivate the asset, transfer the asset to another location, and receive or issue the asset into/from Inventory. By default, logging is turned off for an asset. 

16. Within the Parent region, optionally select a Parent Asset Number to establish asset hierarchy information. Work order costs roll up through the Parent/Child hierarchies defined, and can roll up to any level within an asset hierarchy. This enables you to review all cost associated with an asset or asset hierarchal view. When a child asset is transferred to another eAM organization, it is still included in the parent hierarchy. The organization that the asset currently resides in appears in parentheses. Transferring the asset does not remove the asset from the asset hierarchy. You must remove the asset manually, to remove the asset from its hierarchy.

17. The Checked Out check box indicates whether the current asset is checked in or out. You can check out an asset to view asset details, enter collection plan data, enter meter information, and optionally create a work request, within Maintenance Super User. This check box is protected against update. 

18. Within the Location tab, the Subinventory and Locator fields are view-only, displaying the subinventory location of this asset within Inventory and its Locator segments. If this asset if received into Inventory, these fields are populated.

19. Optionally select a Location Code to specify a physical location for this asset. The Address field simultaneously populates with the selected Location Code's associated Address. The previously defined area is organization-specific and not associated with a physical location. If your asset does not reside in a subinventory, you can specify an external location for it. You can only select an external location that is defined as a HZ location. You may optionally define external locations with a location code. Valid Location Codes are defined within Oracle Installed Base.

20. The Address defaults as the populated Location Code's associated address. You can optionally select a different address. If the current asset is in stores, the address of the Location's organization appears.

21. You can link an asset to production equipment defined within a process or discrete organization, as well as asset equipment defined within an eAM organization. Optionally select a Production Organization. The list of values displays the production inventory organizations maintained by the current asset's organization. 

22. Select an Equipment Item. This is mandatory if you populated the Production Organization field. Items that were defined with an equipment template  or with the Equipment item attribute enabled are available.

23. Enter an Equipment Serial Number. This is mandatory if you populated the Production Organization field. This is the specific name of the component within the Equipment Type, if an asset resides directly in the Production Organization, and its asset group is defined directly in the Production Organization as Equipment. You can view the Production Organization and the Asset Serial Number fields, but you cannot update them.

24. Specify the geocode information with details of Latitude, Longitude, Direction, and ESRI reference details for the asset. This information is used to display the assets in the chosen map viewer. If both longitude and latitude and ESRI references are provided, the ESRI Feature Class and Feature ID would be used to plot the asset on the map, and the latitude and longitude fields would be ignored.
If you are using the ESRI integration, you can alternatively enter values in the following fields rather than enter Latitude and Longitude to display assets on a map:
-ESRI Feature Class: These values are defined on the ESRI Map Manager page. This value is referenced to a published Feature table which has a Point shape from the ESRI system.
-ESRI Feature ID: The specific ESRI reference identifier from the selected ESRI Feature table which has a corresponding Point geometry.

If the Latitude, Longitude and ESRI fields are entered, then the ESRI related fields take priority and are used to display assets on a map.

Note: Geocode entry and ESRI Feature associations are enabled for point assets only and are not applicable for linear assets.

25. Click the Safety tab to enter values for the positional asset or to indicate if the asset will be associated with a lockout device used during isolation

26. You can indicate if an asset is a Positional Asset
If the asset being maintained has safety positions and tags defined for them, like which are the regular operating or shutdown positions/conditions & tags (indicators) associated to them, they are defined as Positional Assets. You can leave the field blank (no value). 

27. Select the appropriate values for the Operating Position, Operation Tag, Shutdown Position, Shutdown Tag.

28. You can indicate if an asset is a Lockout Device. A lockout device uses a positive means such as a lock, either key or combination type, to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment. Lockout devices are defined during asset creation using the Define Asset Numbers or Define Rebuildable Asset Numbers forms.

29. Click on Others Tab. Optionally enter the Fixed Asset Number if Oracle Fixed Assets is installed. This represents a fixed asset number that belongs to a fixed asset category, associated with the asset.

30. The Property Management fields, Location Name and Location Code, default from a Property Manager export process (Export Locations to Enterprise Asset Management), if Oracle Property Management is installed. These fields are disabled. These values cannot be changed. Before the above information is passed from Property Manager into Enterprise Asset Management, Asset Groups need to first be established. Optionally choose Location Details to view or update Property Manager field information.

31. Optionally click the Attributes button to enter attribute values for the asset 
Existing, enabled attribute groups appear. These attribute groups are optional. You do not need to enter values for all existing attribute groups. From this window, you cannot generate attribute groups.

30. You can choose Resource Usage if the fields in the Production Equipment region are populated. This enables you to view production work orders using the equipment that corresponds with this asset number as a resource.

31. Click the Linear Workbench to enter linear asset details.

32. Optionally select Associate Activity to directly associate this Asset with an Activity. 

33. Optionally enter file, URL, or text attachments to this asset by choosing the paperclip Attachments icon. You can then choose Document Catalog to add asset specific documents. 

34. Save your work.

Note: You can also create assets using the Create Asset page located in the Maintenance Super User responsibility (Maintenance Super User > Home > Assets > Create button). 

B. To copy assets from existing assets:

You can copy asset information from existing assets. When using this method, everything copies to the new asset, including attributes and attachments. Equipment Serial Numbers are not copied. You are prompted to enter the Equipment Serial Number, when saving.

1. Navigate to the Define Asset Number window.

2. Select an Asset Group. This Asset Group is associated with this asset.

3. Enter an asset number if you do not have them automatically generated, or accept or modify the default, if you have automatic generation enabled. After an asset has been saved, it cannot be deleted. The asset can be deactivated if there are no open work orders or work requests for the asset, and if the asset is not part of an asset hierarchy.

4. Optionally enter an Asset Description, up to 240 characters.

5. From the Tools menu, select Copy Asset Number from.

6. Select the desired Asset.

7. Optionally associate this Asset to an Asset Category. This is the Class and Subclass code, such as CRANE.OVERHEAD, or BUILDING.FLOOR. 

8. Select an Owning Department for this asset. E-mail notifications, regarding Work Requests, are sent to the Primary Approver of the Work Request's associated asset's owning department 

9. Save your work.

C. Deactivating/Activating An Asset:

To Deactivate an asset:

1. Navigate to the Define Asset Number window.

2. Select the flashlight Find icon to display the Find Asset Number window.

3. Select an asset number to deactivate.

4. From the Tools menu, select De-Activate Asset Number.

5. Save your work.

Attention: An asset cannot be updated unless it is in an Active state. Therefore, any simultaneous updates to the asset will reactivate the asset.

To activate an asset:

1. Navigate to the Define Asset Number window.

2. Select the flashlight Find icon to display the Find Asset Number window.

3. Select a Deactivated Asset Number to activate.

4. From the Tools menu, select Re-Activate Asset.

5. Save your work.

D. Updating Asset Groups for Asset Numbers

You can update the asset group for an asset number after it has been created and saved. This update can be performed using the Define Asset Number form and Update Asset Number HTML page.

You can update an asset group even if the following setups or associations exist for the asset number:
  • Asset attributes have been defined.
  • Quality results have been entered.
  • Activity association has been made.
  • Meter association has been made and meter readings have been entered.
  • PM schedule has been defined.
  • Asset number is part of an asset hierarchy (parent or child).
  • Asset number has a relationship with other linear or discrete assets.
However, you cannot update the asset group if:
  • The Asset number is in inventory.
  • The Asset number has an equipment association.
  • The Asset number has a Property location association.
  • The Asset number has a Fixed Asset association.
Note: You cannot update an asset group for an asset route.

Note: For Assets With Work History - Special Considerations
  • Search: Based on the current group association.
  • Work Order Search: Based on the asset group associated with the work order was created.

To Update an Asset Group:

Navigate to the Define Asset Number page (Enterprise Asset Management > Assets > Asset Numbers).
  1. Search for the asset number that you want to update.
  2. Click the search button next to the Asset Group field.
  3. The Asset Group page appears.
  4. Search for the new asset group using the % wildcard to view all valid asset groups associated with the organization, or enter a specific asset group value.
  5. Select the new asset group. The new asset group name and description appear.

  6. Click the Save button.

  7. Upon save, the following occurs:

    • If the asset is serial controlled, the original asset serial number does not change.

    • A new item instance is created in Oracle Installed Base.

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