Define Locations


Define names and addresses for the locations you use within your organization as well as the location you use for the organization itself. Oracle Inventory and other Oracle Applications products use locations for requisitions, receiving, shipping, billing, and employee assignments.

To set up locations for Purchasing

  • Navigate to the Locations window.
  • For information on the Name, Description, Inactive Date, Global, and Address Details fields.

the picture is described in the document text

  • Fill in information in the Shipping Details tabbed region.

Note: Selecting the check boxes means that you are making the location Name a valid location in the list of values on a Purchasing document. For example, selecting Ship-To Site makes the location Name a valid choice in the list of values for the Ship-To field on a purchase order header. 

Contact: Optional contact name for the location Name.

Ship-To Location: Usually the same as the location Name. You could select a separate, previously defined Ship-To Location-for example, if you wanted to create a location Name, Office A, and specify Receiving Dock A as its Ship-To Location. Note, however, that once you specify a separate Ship-To Location, you can no longer enable the location Name as a Ship-To Site. 

Ship-To Site: Select this option to make the location Name a valid ship-to organization on a purchase order or requisition.

Receiving Site: Select this option to make the location a valid receiving Location when creating a receipt or receiving transaction.

Office Site: Select this option to indicate that this location Name is an office site, such as a field office.

Bill-To Site: Select this option to make the location Name a valid bill-to site. The Bill-To Site, which is used by Payables, is specified on a purchase order header.

Internal Site: Select this option to make the location a valid internal ship-to location when creating an internal requisition.

  • Optionally fill in information in the Other Details tabbed region.
    • Inventory Organization: Select an inventory organization within which this location will be available in the list of values on a Purchasing document. By selecting no inventory organization, this location becomes available on Purchasing documents in all organizations.
    • EDI Location: If you use Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to receive Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs) or ASNs with billing information (ASBNs), enter a defined location. This location should match the ship-to location specified on an ASN or ASBN. 
  • If you want to use the Extra Information button to enter additional information required by your business, see: Entering Extra Information, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide or see the online help for that window.

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