Setting Up Parameters

Set up Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Product Development parameters in the Product Development Security Manager responsibility. You can set up parameters for new organizations, or query and modify parameters for existing organizations.

Parameter values can vary by organization. These parameters control various functions in the Product Development application. For example, if version control for formulas is enabled for organization PR1, then at the point of saving a formula, the application checks the formula organization to determine whether or not to apply version control rules. 


Set up organizations in the Oracle Inventory application. 

OPM Product Development parameters:

1. Navigate to the Product Development Parameters window.
2. Enter Organization as the context inventory organization.
3. Organization Type is:

  • Plant for a manufacturing facility.
  • Laboratory for a research or lab facility.

4. Enter Allow Zero Ingredient Quantity as:
  • No to specify you cannot enter ingredients with zero quantity. An error displays when a zero ingredient quantity is entered. Default.
  • Yes to specify possible entry of a zero ingredient quantity.
  • Allow with warning to specify entry of a zero ingredient quantity with a warning message displayed. If you accept the warning, then you can proceed.
5. Enter Byproduct Active as:
  • Yes to specify you can access the By-Products window. Default.
  • No to specify you cannot access the By-Products window.
6. Enter Default Consumption/Yield Type as:
  • Automatic By Step for automatic consumption of ingredients and automatic yield of products and byproducts as each step is completed. Default.
  • Manual for ingredients to default to manual consumption and inserted products and byproducts to default to manual yield.
  • Incremental for inserted items to default to incremental consumption or incremental yield.
7. Enter Default Formula Status as:
  • New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.
  • Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.
  • Approved for General Use for use in production batches.
  • On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.
  • Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.
  • Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.
8. Enter Formula Security for Lot Genealogy as:
  • No to specify formula security rules are not enforced in lot genealogy. Default.
  • Yes to specify formula security rules are enforced in lot genealogy.
9. Enter Mass UOM as:
  • MASS to specify use of the mass unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity. Default.
  • Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.
10. Enter Material Release Type as:
  • Automatic when ingredients quantities are consumed automatically.
  • Manual when ingredient quantities are consumed manually.
  • Incremental when ingredient quantities are backflushed by incremental backflushing.
  • Automatic by Step when ingredient quantities are consumed automatically as the step is released.
11. Enter Version Control as:
  • No to specify version control is not active for formulas. Changes can be made to an existing formula without the need to change its version. Default.
  • Yes to specify full version control is active for formulas. Changes made to a formula require a new version. This excludes changes to formula status, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.
  • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for formulas. You can create a new version when you update an existing version.
12. Enter Volume UOM as:
  • VOL to specify use of the volume unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity.
  • Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.
13. Enter Yield UOM as:
  • MASS to specify use of the mass unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity. Default.
  • VOL to specify use of the volume unit of measure type when item quantities are converted to a common unit of measure for scaling, theoretical yield, and total output quantity.
  • Another valid unit of measure type for conversion purposes. Set up this unit of measure type.
14. Enter Default Operation Status as:
  • New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.
  • Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.
  • Approved for General Use for use in production batches.
  • On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.
  • Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.
  • Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.
15. Enter Version Control as:
  • No to specify version control is not active for operations. Changes can be made to an existing operation without the need to change its version. Default.
  • Yes to specify full version control is active for operations. Changes made to an operation require a new version. This excludes changes to operation status, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.
  • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for operations. You can create a new version when you update an existing version. 


16. Enter Default Routing Status as:

  • New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.
  • Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.
  • Approved for General Use for use in production batches.
  • On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.
  • Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.
  • Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.
17. Enter Step Release Type as:
  • Automatic to indicate that the step is automatically released or completed when subsequent steps are released or completed.
  • Manual to indicate that the step is released manually.
18. Enter Enforce Step Dependency as:
  • No to specify step dependency is not enforced. Default.
  • Yes to specify step dependency is enforced.
19. Enter Version Control as:
  • No to specify version control is not active for routings. Changes can be made to an existing routing without the need to change its version. Default.
  • Yes to specify full version control is active for routings. Changes made to the routing header or organization specific details require a new version.
  • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for routings. You can create a new version when you update an existing version.


20. Enter Default Recipe Status and Default Validity Rule Status as follows:

  • New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.
  • Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.
  • Approved for General Use for use in production batches.
  • On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.
  • Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.
  • Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.

21. Enter Process Instruction Paragraph as:

  • NULL if the process instruction paragraph is not used. Default.
  • A user-defined paragraph code to define process instruction entry using the standard Text Editor functionality. Process instructions entered in the Recipe Designer are stored against this paragraph code.

22. Enter Recipe Type as:
  • Master to indicate that the default recipe type is process cell specific. Master recipes define exactly how a product is made in a specific process manufacturing cell.
  • Site to indicate that the default recipe type is at the site level. There is one site recipe for each site that makes the product, or some portion of the product. A site recipe has the same structure as a general recipe, but may be modified for the local language and unit of measure. It may also be modified to take into account local material availability, or it may only define a part of the general recipe that is actually performed on the site.
  • General to indicate that the default recipe type is one general recipe for each specific product variation made by a company. It defines, in an equipment independent manner, the material and process dependencies required to make a product. The general recipe is usually created during or after the pilot plant scaleup of a research and development recipe.

23. Enter Version Control as:

  • • No to specify version control is not active for recipes. Changes can be made to an existing recipe without the need to change its version. Default.
  • • Yes to specify full version control is active for recipes. Changes made to the recipe header or organization specific details require a new version. This excludes changes to validity rules, step material association, recipe step quantities, customers, recipe status, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.
  • • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for recipes. You can create a new version when you update an existing version.


24. Enter Default Substitution Status as:

  • New to make changes at any time, assuming you have security access. Default.
  • Approved for Laboratory Use for use in laboratory batches and cost rollups for the laboratory.
  • Approved for General Use for use in production batches.
  • On Hold to specify the object cannot be used until the status is changed.
  • Frozen to prevent any further changes to the object and any dependent data.
  • Obsolete/Archived to specify the object can no longer be used unless the status is changed.

25. Enter Version Control as:

  • No to specify version control is not active for recipes. Changes can be made to an existing substitution list without the need to change its version. Default.
  • Yes to specify full version control is active for substitution lists. Changes made to the item substitution list or organization specific details require a new version. This excludes changes to status, mark for purge, and the Undelete functionality.
  • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for substitution lists. You can create a new version when you update an existing version. 

26. Enter Costing Source Organization as the default organization for least cost formulation. All process-enabled inventory organizations are available.

27. Enter Version Control as:

  • No to specify version control is not active for formulation specifications. Changes can be made to an existing formula specification without the need to change its version. Default.
  • Yes to specify full version control is active for formulation specifications.
  • Changes made to the formula specification header or organization specific details require a new version.
  • Optional to specify version control is discretionary for formulation specifications. You can create a new version when you update an existing version.

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