Define Unit of Measure Conversions


You need to define the conversion rates between the base unit of measure and other units of measure within a UOM class if you want to be able to transact an item in units of measure other than its primary unit of measure. Oracle Inventory uses these conversions to automatically convert transaction quantities to the primary unit of measure of the item being transacted.

If you want to transact items in units of measure belonging to classes other than their primary UOM class, you must define conversions between the base units of measure in different UOM classes. Oracle Inventory uses this information to convert between units of measure belonging to different UOM classes. In other words, for a specific item, you can define conversion rates between unlike units of measure such as boxes and kilograms.

For example, you can specify that 1 EACH of item XYZ weighs 50 LB where item XYZ has EACH as its primary unit of measure. You can now transact item XYZ in LB, and Oracle Inventory converts the transaction quantity to EACH and stores and updates the item quantity accordingly.

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