Sourcing Setup Step 9: Define Reusable Attribute Lists (Optional)

Attributes identify additional details that a supplier should provide (beyond just response price) when responding to a negotiation. Attributes can apply at both the negotiation header and/or line level. Header attributes identify negotiation level characteristics that are not associated with a particular negotiation line. These can include company characteristics, for example, years in business, or company certifications.

Line attributes are characteristics that apply to lines in a negotiation. For example, if a negotiation includes a line for vehicles, there might also be a line attribute called mileage. This attribute might have a target value that specifies that responses to this line must have fewer that 12,000 miles on the odometer.

If your buyers repeatedly include the same attributes on negotiations, you can create attribute lists that contain the attribute definitions. Buyers can then simply apply the attribute list to a negotiation instead of having to repeatedly define the attributes. Attribute lists can streamline negotiation creation and standardize your sourcing procedures. Note that buyers can create their own attribute lists.

If a buyer includes an attribute list on a sourcing document template, the attributes on the list will apply to all items added to the sourcing documents created with that Implementing template (though the buyer can edit and remove attributes as appropriate). Except for the attribute list name, you can edit attribute lists after you have created them.

To create or edit a new header attribute list:

1. On the Negotiations Home Home page, click the Administration tab.

2. On the Administration page, click "Reusable Attribute Lists."

3. On the Reusable Attribute Lists page, click "Create Header Attribute List"

4. On the Create Header Attribute List page, enter a List Name and brief Description for your attribute list. Choose the Status (Active or Inactive). An Active list can be used immediately; an Inactive list will be stored in the system, but will not be available for use unless you edit the list and change its status to Active.

Enter your attribute information in the appropriate fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):

• *Attribute: Enter a name for your attribute (for example, Years in Business, or Authorized Certification ).

• Group: Assign the attribute to one of the predefined groups. Groups can be used for sorting attributes. You can create additional groups for attribute grouping. See the previous section, Set Up Attribute Groups (Optional), for instructions on creating additional groups.

• Attribute Type: If you want all suppliers to enter a value for this attribute when responding, select Required. If you don’t want to require suppliers to enter a value for this attribute when responding, select Optional. If you want this attribute to be displayed to the supplier without allowing any response, select Display Only. Select Internal if this attribute should not be displayed to suppliers, but viewed only by other sourcing personnel (for example, the buyer making the award decision).

• Value Type: Select the type of value that suppliers should enter for this attribute when responding. They may enter text (letters, words, digits, and so on), number (digits with decimals allowed), date (the format you or the supplier select as your date preference), or URL (Web site addresses that begin with a valid URL protocol for example, http://, https://, and ftp://. Values with a URL type display as links; for example a Web site address entered as a Text type will display simply as text). The value type you select also governs the value you can enter in the Target Value field.

• Target Value: If desired, set the optimum value for the attribute in the Target Value field (for example: "10+ years in business").

• Display Target: If you want suppliers to see the target value, select this checkbox. If you wish to hide the target value from suppliers, leave the checkbox unselected.

• Maximum Score:

Score values for header attributes are entered by the buyer when evaluating the responses. You can enter a value to specify the maximum score a buyer can enter for this attribute. (You can also define a default maximum score using the Negotiations Configuration page. Configuration (Optional), for instructions.)

To remove an attribute from the list, click the Delete icon.

5. Continue adding any additional attributes to your list. Attributes appear within the list in the order you defined them. If you wish to change the order, click Sequence. On the Create Header Attribute List: Sequence Attributes page, enter numeric values to reflect the order in which you wish the attributes to appear. Attributes with lower numbers appear before attributes with higher number. When you have finished sequencing attributes, click Apply. When you have finished defining attributes to your list, click Apply.

To create line attribute lists:

1. On the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.

2. On the Administration page, click "Reusable Attribute Lists."

3. On the Reusable Attribute Lists page, click Create Line Attribute List.

4. On the Create Line Attribute List page, enter a List Name and brief Description for your attribute list. Choose the Status (Active or Inactive). An Active list can be used immediately; an Inactive list will be stored in the system, but will not be available for use unless you edit the list and change its status to Active.

Enter your attribute information in the appropriate fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*):

• *Attribute: Enter a name for your attribute (for example, Mileage, PPM Defect Rate; Grade).

• Group: Assign the attribute to one of the predefined groups. Groups can be used for sorting attributes.

• Attribute Type: If you want all suppliers to enter a value for this attribute when responding, select Required. If you don’t want to require suppliers to enter a value for this attribute when responding, select Optional. If you want this attribute to be displayed to the supplier without allowing any response, select

Display Only.

• Value Type: Select the type of value that suppliers should enter for this attribute when responding. They may enter text (letters, words, digits, and so on), number (digits with decimals allowed), date (the format you or the supplier select as your date preference, or URL (Web site addresses that begin with a valid URL protocol for example, http://, https://, and ftp://. Values with a URL type display as links; for example a Web site address entered as a Text type will display simply as text). The value type you select also governs the value you can enter in the Target Value field.

• Target Value: If desired, set the optimum value for the attribute in the Target Value field (for example: "Fewer than twelve thousand miles per vehicle"; "Fewer than eight defects per million parts manufactured"; and so on).

• Display Target: If you want suppliers to see the target value, select this checkbox. If you wish to hide the target value from suppliers, leave the checkbox unchecked .

5. If this attribute is required and you wish to assign values to allowable entries, click the Score icon.

6. Suppliers can enter responses to line attributes (suppliers must enter responses if the attribute has an Attribute Type value of Required). Scoring the attribute allows you to define which values you will accept for the attribute and indicate the relative desirability of each response. Scores are also used by the system to determine the best response in Multi-Attribute Scoring negotiations.

On the Enter Scoring Criteria page, you must specify the values you will accept for this attribute and assign a score to each value.

For text attributes, you specify a list of acceptable values.

For number and date attributes, you specify a numeric or date range (to define a single number or date, set the From and To values to the same number or date. Click the pop-up calendar icon to select a date value.

Note that URL attribute types can not be scored in this manner.

Once you have identified all the allowable values for this attribute, you must define a score for each value (or range of values). Specify a number that represents the desirability of that value - the higher the number, the more desirable that response.

If you need to add and score more than five values, click Add 5 Rows to display five more entry rows.

7. After you have identified and scored your values, click Apply. You return to the Create Line Attribute List page.

8. Add and score any remaining attributes for this list.

9. Note that you can optionally sequence the display order of your line attributes. Use the instructions above to specify the sequence of attributes.

10. When you are finished defining attributes to this list, click Apply

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