Set Profile Options 19

INV: Transaction Reasons Security

This profile option filters the reasons shown to users for transactions. It is available for Oracle Process Manufacturing and other applications. The available options are Yes and No. This profile option is updateable only at the site level.

INV: Updateable Customer Item 

This profile option controls whether the system enables you to change the customer item name after you save it. If you set the value to No prevents you from altering the customer item name after the initial save.

The default is No.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Updateable Item Name

This profile option controls whether the system enables you to change the item name after you save it. Setting the value to No prevents you from altering the item name after the initial save.

Inventory predefines a value of No for this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Use Backorder Caching

This profile option improves performance during pick release by caching backordered items. Receipts that are performed during pick release will not be available for allocation. The available options are Yes and No. This profile option is updateable at all levels.

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