Set Profile Options 21

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INV: VMI Enabled

This profile option determines whether VMI is enabled.

The profile option is updateable at site level. You should update it manually only if the automatic changes fails to occur.

Multiple Serials Per Delivery Detail

This profile option determines the current patch level of Order Management on the instance. You cannot edit this profile option. It updates automatically when you apply a patch. Inventory uses this profile option to determine if serial numbers can be passed to Shipping in ranges or if they must be passed individually.

TP: INV Cycle Count Approvals form

Indicates processing control of cycle count approvals in the Cycle Count Approvals window. Available values are:

Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The cycle count transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the cycle count transactions.

On-line processing Processes your cycle count transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed.

Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

TP: INV Cycle Count Entries form

Indicates the processing control of cycle count entries in the Cycle Count Entries window. Available values are:

Background processing Upon commit, control returns immediately to you, allowing you to continue working. The cycle count transactions are executed on a periodic basis. Displays the concurrent request number representing the concurrent process executing the cycle count transactions.

On-line processing Processes your cycle count transactions while you wait, and control is returned once transaction processing is completed. Inventory predefines a value of On-line processing for this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

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