Set Profile Options 11

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INV: Material Status Support

This profile option determines whether material status is enforced. The available values are Yes and No. This profile option is updateable only at the site level. If your installation never uses material status, and you set this profile option to No, then system performance improves slightly.

INV: Max # of Txn Purge Processes

This is the maximum number of processes that will be purged. One worker will be started for each accounting period in the date range specified for the purge. However, if there are more accounting periods, than worked allowed by this profile option, then the number of workers will be determined by the ceiling of accounting periods to purge divided by this value. When more workers run in parallel, the purge process can be completed faster, but that also means more system resources are dedicated to purging transactions and thus are not available for other system activities. You would typically set this value to no more than 20, but may set it smaller based on your system resources.

INV: Maximum Number of Quantity Trees

Indicates the maximum number of memory data structures that will be used to capture on-hand quantity information. Inventory predefines a value of 500 for this profile option upon installation. 

This profile option is updateable at the Site level.

INV: MGD Maximum Number of Workers Permitted

This option is used for item attribute copy. This feature allows you to select a subset of an item's attributes to be mass copied to a number of items. The form submits a concurrent request. The profile option determines the maximum number of calls to item import that is processed to fulfill the copy request.

INV: Minmax Reorder Approval

This profile option determines the status of both purchase requisitions as well as WIP jobs created through the min-max process. The values of Approval Required or Incomplete indicate the status of requisitions created by the Min-max planning report. For WIP jobs created by min-max, whenever the Min-max planning report completes, a WIP MASS LOAD program is generated. The status of the job created is determined by the setting of the system profile INV: Minmax Reorder Approval. If the value of this profile option is:

Incomplete: then the status of the created job is Unreleased.
Approved: then the status of the created job is Released.

Note: The predefined value of this profile option for all levels upon installation is Approval Required. If you select Incomplete, you can optionally load requisitions as unapproved and use the document approval feature in Oracle Purchasing.

The following values are available for this profile:

Approval Required: The requisition is created in Approval Required status and requires approval.
Incomplete: The requisition is created in Incomplete status.

Pre-approved: The requisition is created in Pre-approved status 

This profile option can be updated at all levels.

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