Set Profile Options 12

INV: Override Neg for Backflush
Indicates whether backflush transactions can drive the inventory negative even if the inventory organization parameter Allow Negative Balances is unchecked. Inventory predefines a value of Yes for this profile option upon installation. A value of No does not allow backflush transactions to drive on-hand inventory negative even when the inventory organization parameter Allow Negative Balances is unchecked.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Override Reservation for Transactions

Determines whether transactions processed through the transactions interface can override the existing reservations. To use this profile option, the organization must allow negative balances.

Note: This profile option is not intended for transaction sources such as sales orders, internal sales orders, and project/contract transfers.

When Oracle Inventory is installed, no default value is set for the profile option. To set the profile option, select the desired value of either Yes or No. This profile option can be set at the Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels.

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