Set Profile Options 10

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INV: Item Form Folder Category Set

If the profile option has an assigned value, the Master Items form Folder tab displays an editable Category field. When you save an item, it is assigned to a category set defined in the profile options.

The default value is Null

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Item Form Uses Master Set of Folders in the Org Items Form
This profile option determines if the Organization Items window uses the same set of folders as the Master Items window. This profile option is updateable at the user level only. The available value are

Yes: Uses the same set of folders as the Master Items window.

No: Stores a separate set of folders for the Organization Items window.

INV: Item Master Flexfield

Indicates which flexfield is used to define items in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.

Inventory predefines a value of System Items for this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Item Master Form Default Tab

This profile option enables you to choose the default folder that appears when you launch the master items window. If you do not set this attribute at the user level, the system derives the value from the responsibility and so forth. Available values are:

Attributes: Displays the items attribute tab by default.

Folder: Displays the folder tab by default.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

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