Set Profile Options 09

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INV: Intercompany Transfer Price Date

This profile option determines the order date as the sales order line pricing date for Shipping flow, and purchase order date for Procurement flow for Static Pricing and Advance Pricing. Available values are:

Order Date: Shipping flow: Transfer Price is determined as per sales order line pricing date. Procurement flow: Transfer Price is determined as per purchase order approved date

Current Date: Sysdate

This profile is updateable at the Site level only.

INV: Inter-Organization Currency Conversion

Indicates the currency conversion for inter-organization transfers between organizations using different currencies. Available values are:

Corporate An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company. The corporate exchange rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.

Spot An exchange rate you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.

User An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry that does not have a daily exchange rate.

Inventory predefines a value of Corporatefor this profile option for all levels upon installation.

This profile option is updateable at all levels.

INV: Item Default Template

This profile option enables you to set a default template for all items you create. There will be a radio group called Copy From, with Template and Item as the radio choices.

An editable field will display the current setting. To change the current setting, you simply change this field using the appropriate LOVs. No button is necessary here. By default, template will be selected. The default template can be set to null or a valid value. This default template will be applied to all the new items that are defined during this session. The default template will be defaulted from the value of the profile option.

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