Set Profile Options 08

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INV: GTIN Cross Reference Type

This profile option enables you to perform lookups of your GTIN item cross reference. 

This profile option is updateable only at site level.

INV: Intercompany Currency Conversion

Indicates the currency conversion for intercompany invoices using different currencies. Available values are:

Corporate: An exchange rate you define to standardize rates for your company The corporate exchange rate is generally a standard market rate determined by senior financial management for use throughout the organization.

Spot: An exchange rate you enter to perform conversion based on the rate on a specific date. It applies to the immediate delivery of a currency.

User: An exchange rate you specify when you enter a foreign currency journal entry that does not have a daily exchange rate.

Inventory predefines a value of Corporatefor this profile option upon installation.

The profile option is updateable at the Site, Application, and Responsibility levels.

INV: Intercompany Invoice for Internal Orders

You use this profile option to enable creation of Intercompany Invoices for Internal Orders. This profile option is used in a concurrent program to create accounts payable, and accounts receivable to decide if Internal Order transactions should be invoiced. A Yes value enables creation of intercompany invoices. The default value is No.

This profile option is updateable only at site level.

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