Order Inquiry Using Order Organizer

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer
The Order Organizer is a series of folder files that can acts as an Orders Workbench.
Use the Order Organizer to Find existing orders, Add new orders, or perform mass updates across many orders or order lines.

The Order Organizer matches the criteria entered on the Find Orders form against Orders and Order Lines. The selection criteria can be stored as a saved query then reused when needed from the Navigator Tree.

The Summary Form is used to display the retrieved Orders and Lines. This makes it possible to manage several orders at the same time, i.e. perform mass updates.

The Order Organizer is Right Mouse enabled making many of the Folder features easy to implement and manage.

Find Orders

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find

The Find Orders form uses AND logic to build the selection criteria. This enables you to create complex queries that meet your business needs by combining fields from any of the Find Order tabs.

Further enhance your search by using date ranges. Date Ranges included: Order Date, Request Date, Promise Date, Schedule Ship Date, or Schedule Arrival Date.

Order Information tab
•Use the Order Category and Order Type to find groups of orders.
•Many times you need to find an order by a specific pieces of information such as a Customer’s PO, Invoice Number, or Purchase Requisition Number.
•Order Clerks can quickly find all their orders by searching by the Created By field.
•Use the Order Source to find orders generated from another source such as Quotes, iStore, Service, or EDI transactions.

Order Line tab

•Find Orders by the Item/Warehouse combination to retrieve all the order lines that may be affected by a shortage or a quality hold.
•Find orders by Freight Carrier to prepare for a possible carrier strike.
•Use the Waybill number to find the sales order numbers that shipped together.

Hold Information tab

Enables you to specify holds related criteria and find orders that are on hold.
Find Hold Sources you may wish to release.

Advanced tab
Enables you to specify whether the query should include Closed or Cancelled Orders and Order Lines.

Summary Form

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > (B) Find > (T) Summary

Orders and Order Lines that meet your Find criteria are returned to the Summary Form.

From the Summary form you can perform many of the same actions that are allowed in the Enter Orders window. But since you are on a summary form you have the ability to do Mass actions on groups of orders and lines.

You can:

Apply and Release Holds
Cancel Orders and Lines
Copy orders and Lines.

Notification Action - you can send workflow notifications to your customer, support analyst, or engineers to keep them informed about special order needs. The Action notification does not put a hold on the order or order line and does not require a response. If you are the User responsible for responding to a Workflow Notification you can use the Action - Progress Order to allow the Sales Order to proceed to it’s next work flow activity.

Additional information action - gives you extensive information about your Orders and Order Lines. This allowing you to respond to Customer or Internal inquiries, or track down possible problems that might be affecting your order.

Holds tab - provides you the visibility to the Hold Name, the criteria which put the entity on hold and when the hold was applied. Once the hold has been released the Holds tab displays when the hold was released and who released it.

Return Activity tab - is populated if you use the Reference option when creating a Return Order. Return Activity displays the Return order number, quantity returned, credited price, and the Invoice Number which was credited.

Deliveries tab - is populated by the Pick Release and Ship Confirm processes. This tab allows you to find vital shipping information for tracking down lost shipments.

Internal Requisition tab - gives you visibility to the Purchase Requisition which initiated the Internal Sales Order.

Drop Ship tab – used to track your supplier shipments. Initially it will display the purchase requisition number and status. Once the purchase order has been created the drop ship tab’s requisition number is replaced with the purchase order number and status. The supplier and buyer are also displayed.

Quantity History tab- used to track quantity decreases. Only booked orders are tracked. Available information is quantity prior to decrease, date of quantity change and the reason for the quantity change.

Navigator Tree Functionality

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer (T) Orders

To access the Navigator Tree click on the Orders tab from the Find Orders form.

Today's Orders is a seeded folder that displays all orders entered today by the current user.

Search Results is a seeded folder that displays all orders or lines matching your query criteria.

The orders and order lines that are displayed in the Summary form are retrieved based on the search criteria entered on the Find orders form. This criteria can be saved as a User-Defined Query.

To create a User-Defined Query Right Mouse Click in the Navigator Tree region after records are displayed in the Summary form. The Save Query form will pop, choose Save Query. The other choices are Delete and Rename.

User-Defined Queries saved as Public can be used by many users and are stored in seeded Public Folders files. User-Defined Queries that are not saved as public are stored in seeded Personal Folder files.

Folders Files

Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

(N) > Orders, Returns > (T) Order Organizer > (I) Folder Tools

All the windows that are part of the Order Organizer are Folder Files. Use the Profile Option: Folders: Allow Customization to control who can manage folders.

Click the Folder menu or the Folder Tools icon to save your folder.

When creating folders:

Folder files are associated with the user name that created it and only made public if saved as Public.

Folders saved as a Default Folder will only default for the user who created them.
Use the Folder Tools icon, Folder Menu or Right Mouse click to Customize Folders by rearranging, expanding/contracting, hiding/displaying and renaming fields.

To Open Existing Folders click the Folder icon.

To Delete a folder file click the Folder icon and select the folder you want to delete then use the Folder Menu or the Folder Tools to delete it.

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