Work in Process Overview

Oracle Work in Process is a production management system which supports discrete, project, repetitive, assemble-to-order, work order-less, or a combination of manufacturing methods.

Manufacturing Support

  • Build discrete jobs, both standard and non-standard (prototype, rework, maintenance, and special projects).
  • Build project jobs, both standard and non-standard
  • Build repetitive schedules by production line/assemblyBuild final assembly orders for configure-to-order
  • Complete assemblies without having to create a job or schedule

Production Scheduling

  • Load and sequence repetitive production by assembly and production line
  • Schedule start and stop times to the minute
  • Schedule fixed, variable, and overlap time elements
  • Use forward, backward, manual, and midpoint rescheduling
  • Update the master production schedule automatically

Material Control

  • Issue and return components from and to inventory.
  • Replenish supply subinventories by item, job, or day.
  • Backflush components automatically using operation or assembly completion.
  • Generate bill of material requirements using standard and alternate bills and revisions.
  • Modify job and schedule material requirements as required.
  • Control engineering change implementation.
  • Issue and build serial number, lot-controlled, and revision controlled components and assemblies.
  • Scrap components and assemblies
  • Control MRP netting (production quantities can be non-nettable quantities)
  • Display on-hand and available to transact quantities during material transactions.
  • Setup transaction processing options as required

Shop Floor Control

  • Move assemblies between and within operations
  • Use outside suppliers
  • Combine move and completion transactions
  • Charge resources and overheads automatically
  • Generate routing operations using standard and alternate routings and revisions
  • Modify routing operations as required
  • Setup transaction processing options as required
  • Resource Tracking
  • Charge labor, machine, and outside resources automatically or manually
  • Charge resources at standard, employee, or actual rates
  • Charge labor by resource or employee
  • View and report efficiency, usage, and transaction history


  • Cost discrete jobs using standard or weighted average costs
  • Segregates costs for project jobs
  • Track costs by product line


  • Import move transactions from data collection devices, factory floor machines or controllers using the Open Move Transaction Interface
  • Import material transactions (component issue/return, assembly completion/return, replenishment) from data collection devices, custom data entry forms, and other manufacturing inventory systems using the Open Inventory Transaction Interface
  • Import resource transactions from data collection devices and labor tracking systems using the Open Resource Cost Transaction Interface
  • Import planned orders, update recommendations, and planned repetitive schedules directly from external sources using the Open Job and Schedule Interface
  • Update scheduling dates at the operation or resource level using the WIP Scheduling Interface

Increase Productivity

  • Automate manufacturing information processing
  • Eliminate the need to define and update orders after each planning run by loading and rescheduling shop floor activity based on master schedule and material plans
  • Eliminate excess navigation within windows by setting first field defaults that correspond to your primary manufacturing environment (discrete, repetitive, or assemble-to-order)
  • Eliminate the need to transact at non-critical operations by defining them as no count point or no autocharge operations
  • Eliminate the need to manually define job names by using the automatic sequence generator
  • Eliminate the need to manually assign and verify lots during transaction processing by specifying default lot selection and verification rules.