Cycle Counts Approval Actions and Adjustments

For items appearing in the Approval Actions, Adjustments region, you can approve, request a recount, or reject cycle count entries that are pending approval. You can also approve or reject any count for which a recount has already been requested. You can reject any cycle count request that has not yet been counted. Finally, you can display count history information or open the Count Adjustment Approvals window.

To approve a count check

  1. Select Approved to approve the selected count entry and post the adjustment to the transaction manager for processing.

To reject a count check

  1. Select Rejected to reject the selected count record. An adjustment is not posted. No further processing of this count entry takes place.

To request a recount check

  1. Select Recount to process a recount request for the selected count request. An adjustment is not posted.

To display count history information

  1. Select the Count History button to open the Count History window for the current item. For the current item, this window displays count and variance information for the current, prior, and first counts. If the number of recounts is more than three only the system displays only the first count, prior count, and the current count in the Count History window.

    the picture is described in the document text

To open the Count Adjustment Approvals window

  1. Select the Open button to open the Count Adjustment Approvals window for the current line. This window is a combination block which you can use to view and enter approval and adjustment information for the current line instead of using the Count Adjustment Approvals Summary window.

    the picture is described in the document text

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