Define Reusable Requirement Lists

 You define Requirements to solicit high-level information about the suppliers who have responded to your negotiation. This information can come from the suppliers themselves or internal evaluators. You typically define Requirements in the form of questions.

Once you have defined your Requirements, you can combine them into reusable lists, similar to reusable attribute lists. First, you create your list, and then you defined the Requirements for that list.

Defining your Requirement List

To define your Requirement list:

  1. From the Negotiations Home page, click the Administration tab.

  2. Click "Reusable Requirement Lists."

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. On the Create Requirement List page,

    1. Enter a name for your Requirement List

    2. Enter a descriptions for your list.

    3. Select a status for your list (Inactive lists cannot be used).

Once you have created your list, you can begin defining Requirements to it.

Defining Requirements

You create collections of Requirements called Sections. You are provided with a default section called Requirements. To begin defining your Requirements:

  1. In the Requirements area of the Create Requirement List page, select the entry for the default section called Requirements.

  2. Click Add Section

  3. To add a new section, accept the default, New Section, in the Add drop down menu.

  4. Enter a name for your new section.

  5. If you are ready to begin adding individual Requirements for this section, click Apply and Add Requirement. If you need to create a section after this section, click Apply and Add Section. You cannot create a section within a section.

  6. On the Create Requirement List: Add Requirement page, enter your Requirement question in the text box provided

  7. Once you have defined your Requirement text, set the Properties for this Requirement as necessary:

    • Type Type describes how the Requirement is used within the negotiation. Values can be:

      • Display Only The Requirement is displayed to the supplier, but the supplier cannot enter a response to it. If the type is display-only, Display Target is set to Yes and Scoring Method is automatically set to None. Display only Requirements merely notify suppliers of additional aspects in which buyers are interested.

      • Internal Internal Requirement can only be seen by buyers. If an internal Requirement is weighted, the total weight value seen by the supplier will not add up to 100. For example, if a Requirement is internal and has a weight of 10, the supplier sees no information on the internal Requirement and sees the sum of all weighted Requirements as 90. If unweighted, new internal Requirements can be added while the negotiation is in progress. If weighted, new internal Requirements can be added if they are given a weight of zero or if their weight amount is subtracted from another internal Requirements. Internal Requirements have Display Target set to No.

      • Optional Suppliers do not have to respond to this Requirement.

      • Required Suppliers must respond to this Requirement.

    • Value Type Select the type of characters suppliers can enter for this Requirement when responding: Text (letters/words, digits), Number (digits with decimals allowed), Date (the format you or the supplier select as your date preference), or URL (Web site addresses that begin with a valid URL protocol for example, http://, https://, and ftp://. Values with a URL type display as links; for example a Web site address entered as a Text type will display simply as text). Value Type also governs the characters you can enter in the Target field.

      Note: Text is the most flexible value type. If you select Text, suppliers can enter letters as well as digits. If you select Number, participants can only enter digits; if you select Date, suppliers can only enter dates in date format.

    • Target Enter a target value for the Requirement (for example: 30 or more years in business) .

    • Display to Supplier Indicate whether you want suppliers to see your Target value.

    • Scoring Method Select the method by which you wish to score responses to this Requirement.

      • None - Responses can not be scored.

      • Automatic - The system will assign a score based on scoring information you define. If you choose Automatic, you must define the allowable values (or value ranges) and the score for each.

      • Manual - evaluators will enter scores for a particular response manually when scoring a participant's response.

      Note that the scoring method chosen applies only to a particular Requirement. You can have a combination of both automatically and manually scored Requirements within the same negotiation.

      If you choose to enable scoring for this Requirement, you can also set the following fields:

      • Maximum Score (Manual scoring method only)

        You can set a maximum score allowable for this Requirement. The Sourcing Administrator may have set a default value for this property, but you can override it if necessary.

      • Knockout Score

        You can specify a threshold value that applies to supplier responses. If the score for a supplier's response does not meet this threshold, that response will be removed from the shortlist once the buyer applies the knockout result.

      • Weight (Automatic and Manual scoring methods only)

        If you choose to use weighting, enter the weight of this Requirement. The value you assign should reflect the importance of this Requirement relative to all other Requirements for this negotiation. The higher the value, the more important the Requirement.The total of all Requirement weights must be 100.

  8. You can define which response values (or range of values) are acceptable for this Requirement. If you define acceptable response values for text type Requirements, those values are displayed to the responder, who must select a value from the predefined list of values

    Note that if you chose the Manual scoring method, these fields do not appear. Also note that if you chose the Automatic scoring method, you must define both the acceptable values and their scores. To define acceptable values:

    1. Click the Add 5 Rows button under Acceptable Values.

    2. Enter values for the following fields:

      • Response Value

        Enter an acceptable value for this Requirement. You may enter as many separate values as is necessary to identify all possible acceptable responses. The values you enter should reflect the Value Type (text, number, date) you specified for this Requirement.

      • Value From/Value To (number and date type Requirements only)

        If your Requirement has a value type of number or date , you can enter specific numbers/dates or you can define ranges of numbers/dates. If you wish to define a single value, enter the number in both the From and the To fields. Otherwise, to define a range, enter the beginning value in the From field and the ending value in the To field.

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