Item Search

Use the Item Search window to search for items based on any combination of criteria you specify. For example, you can view all items:

matching specified inventory detail, or having a specified descriptive element value
belonging to a specified category
related to or that are substitutes for a specified item
having a particular cross-reference
matching specified purchasing information

You can specify as much or as little criteria as you want. The search returns all items that match all the criteria you entered.

To specify the search criteria for an item:1. Navigate to the Item Search window. The Find Items window appears.2. Enter an organization in which to search for an item. If you choose null you can search across organizations, but you must enter some other type of search criteria.3. Enter an item value to use as search criteria. You can enter an item, a partial value with a wildcard, or leave the field blank. If you leave the field blank, the search is made for all items.
Note: This item field is for entering search criteria only. A list of items is not available and the value you enter is not validated. This allows you to enter partial values and wildcards to enhance search capabilities.

4. Optionally, enter a base model, to identify the model from which an ATO configuration was created.
Note: Oracle Purchasing does not use this field.

5. Optionally, enter an item status. See: Defining Item Status Codes.6. Indicate whether quantity information should display. If you query on non-quantity criteria, quantity information is not displayed unless you check this option.7. Optionally, enter search criteria into any combination of the following alternative regions:
Cross References: Enter a cross-reference type (the group of cross-reference names) and a value (the entity you cross-reference to the item) that corresponds to the type you specified. See: Defining Cross-Reference Types.
Item Relationships: Enter the relationship type and the related item. Items can be Related in a non-specific way or they can Substitute for each other. See: Defining Item Relationships.
Purchase Details: Enter the manufacturer name and part number, the supplier name, item number and contract number, or a blanket agreement number. See: Defining Manufacturer Part Numbers.
Item Categories: Enter a category set and an associated category. See: Defining Category Sets and Defining Categories.
Quantity Types: Indicate whether to search for items using the Available to Reserve quantity or the On-Hand Quantity, choose a condition for comparing the quantity type to a specified quantity, and specify a quantity for which to search.
Item Catalogs: Enter a catalog group, descriptive element names and values, or indicate whether you want to search for items you have specified as having a complete catalog. You specify that an item has a complete catalog when you have entered values for all the required descriptive elements. See: Defining Item Catalog Groups and Defining Descriptive Elements.8. When you have entered your criteria choose the Find button. The results of the search appear in the Item Search window.Information for matching items displays including the item, description, organization, unit of measure, and quantity. The quantity is displayed only if you entered quantity related criteria.
To view more information about a matching item:
Choose an option from the Special menu to navigate to a new window providing further information about the item.

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