Set Profile Options 16

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INV: Replenishment Move Order Grouping

This profile option enables you to create only one move order header per request, with each item having its own item. MinMax has been enhanced to permit the optional execution for all subinventories or for a group of subinventories. Available values are:

The organization for which to run the report.

Destination Subinventory: The subinventory for which to run the report.

INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials

Indicates whether the system performs two validation checks for serial numbers that Oracle Work in Process uses. This profile option also indicates if you can re-receive a serial number via an RMA receipt for an item with serial control set at sales order issue.

Yes: You cannot receive a serialized component via purchase order receipt, miscellaneous receipt, or account alias receipt if you issued the same serial number to work in process. You cannot complete a serial number for a serialized end-assembly into inventory via a discrete job, repetitive schedule, flow schedule or work order-less completion if you issued the serial number out of stores. You cannot receive a serial number via an RMA for an item with serial control set at sales order issue.

No: No validations for serialized components and end-assemblies will be performed. You can receive a serial number via an RMA for an item with serial control set at sales order issue.

This profile option is updateable at the Site and User levels.

Setting the profile at the User level enables you to track transactions made by a particular user. For example, if you found that a serial number had been re-used, you could review transactions by user profile to understand how the serial number was duplicated.

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