Set Profile Options 14

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INV: Receive shipped Lot quantity

When receiving multiple lots for intransit receipt transactions, by default, the system ensures that the sum of lot quantities (for all lots) does not exceed the total quantity received. But it will not prevent receiving more than was shipped for a particular lot and less for another lot (to balance the total quantity).

By setting this profile to Yes, the system prevents users from receiving more than was shipped for each particular lot. If a violation occurs, the following error message appears: Quantity cannot exceed for lot .

The available values are: Yes or No. This profile option can be updated at all levels.

Example 1: Profile Option is No (or Null value)

The following example shows the results when the profile option is set to No (or a null value is selected).

  • Create a lot controlled item and assign it to your two organizations.
  • Set the shipping network as indicated: 

transfer type = Intransit
receipt routing = Direct
  •  Perform a miscellaneous receipt in the source organization to receive some on hand in two lots LOT_1 and LOT_2.
  • Perform an inter-organization transfer to send a quantity of 20 to the destination
  • organization as below:

10 from lot LOT_110 from lot LOT_2

  • Receive the quantity of 20 in the destination organization.
In Lot Entry window:
  • Create the first record.
  • Activate the LOV for field Lot Number.
  • Select lot LOT_1.
  • Receive more from lot LOT_1 by setting the quantity =15 (instead of 10).
  • Create the second record.
  • Select lot LOT_2
  • Receive 5 from this lot (because the system will prevent exceeding the total quantity of 20).
  • Click Done and save your work.
Confirm that you received 15 and 5 instead of 10 and 10.

Example 2: Profile Option is Set to Yes

The following example shows the results when the profile option is set to Yes:

Note: Steps are the same as in the previous example until step 5.

  • At step 5: Receive the quantity of 20 in the destination organization.
  • In the Lot Entry window, create the two records as described in example 1.
  • Select lot LOT_2
  • Click Done.
An error message appears:Quantity cannot exceed 10 for lot LOT_1.

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