Set Profile Options 06

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INV: FIFO for Original Receipt Date

This profile option controls how the system tracks receipt dates for on-hand records. The available values are:

Yes: The on-hand record from a material transfer should retain the original receipt date.

No: The receipt date of on-hand records created from material transfers should be reset to the transfer date.

This profile option is relevant if any inventory allocation rules use Receipt Date.

Inventory redefines a value of No for this profile option upon installation.

This profile option can be updated at the user, responsibility, application, and site levels. Updates at the organization level are not supported.

INV: Fill & Kill Move Order

This profile option enables you to close a partially allocated and transacted replenishment move order line. Available values are:

No: Does not allow cancelling of replenishment move order lines.

Yes: Allows cancelling of move order lines.

The default value is No.

This profile option is updateable at the Site level.

INV: Fill Kanban on Partial Move Order Receipt

This profile option determines whether or not a kanban card can be considered filled if the move order created to fill it was only partially transacted. If the card requested 10 and the move order only picked 7, if you set this profile option to yes, it considers the card full. This profile option is updateable only at site level.

INV: Genealogy Delimiter

Allows client to pick the character that appears between the item name and lot number in the genealogy tree. Any character can be used as a delimiter. You can change the delimiter profile at any time. The default value is "-".

INV: Genealogy Prefix or Suffix

You use this to determine if and how the item number is displayed on the Object

Genealogy form. The following values are possible:

Prefix: The Item number is a prefix to the lot or serial number

Suffix: ATP Based on Collected Data

None: ATP Based on Collected Data

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