Set Profile Options 04

INV: Deferred ERES Enabled

This profile option is used in conjunction with the e-record and e-signatures (ERES) approval process. When you enable this profile option, the ERES flow is started for status changes such as lot or on-hand status updates, and enables the approval status to be deferred. This profile option can be updated at the following levels: Site, Application, Responsibility, and User.

The default value is No.

INV: Detect Truncation on UOM Conversion

This profile option is not used in any Inventory procedures. It is used to provide uniform decimal precision across Oracle applications.

A transacted item quantity is converted from the transacted unit of measure to the

primary unit of measure. If this profile option is set to 1, the whole number will have

less than 10 digits in the primary unit of measure, and the fractional portion of the number will have less than nine digits.

This profile option is updateable at the Site level.

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