Set Profile Options 02

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INV: Allow Non-Replenishable Kanban Card Status Change

Setting this profile value determines whether or not the user can change the card status for a non-replenishable kanban card (status changed in the Kanban Cards Summary window).

This profile option can be updated at the Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels. The available value are:

No: Does not allow the status to be changed.
Yes: Allows the status to be changed.

The default value is Null (no predefined value on installation).

INV: Batch Size

Indicates the number of order/delivery lines that will be placed in a single transaction_batch_id for Interfacing of records when Inventory Transaction Manager makes calls to Shipping API. The transaction_batch_id is used when Inventory Interface is deferred by the Shipping profile WSH: Defer Inventory Process Online. This profile option can hold any positive whole number.

INV: Capable to Promise

Indicates whether to enable the CTP calculation. This profile option has a predefined value of NULL (no predefined value) upon installation. This site level option determines how a promise data is derived. It can have the below values:

1: Enable Product Family ATP and CTP
2: Enable Product Family ATP
3: Enable ATP
4: ATP / CTP Based on Planning Output
5: ATP Based on Collected Data

This profile option is updateable only at the site level.

INV: Allow Non-Replenishable Kanban Card Status Change

Setting this profile value determines whether or not the user can change the card status for a non-replenishable kanban card (status changed in the Kanban Cards Summary window).

This profile option can be updated at the Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels. The available value are:

No: Does not allow the status to be changed.
Yes: Allows the status to be changed.

The default value is Null (no predefined value on installation).

INV: Batch Size

Indicates the number of order/delivery lines that will be placed in a single transaction_batch_id for Interfacing of records when Inventory Transaction Manager makes calls to Shipping API. The transaction_batch_id is used when Inventory Interface is deferred by the Shipping profile WSH: Defer Inventory Process Online. This profile option can hold any positive whole number.

INV: Capable to Promise

Indicates whether to enable the CTP calculation. This profile option has a predefined value of NULL (no predefined value) upon installation. This site level option determines how a promise data is derived. It can have the below values:

1 Enable Product Family ATP and CTP
2 Enable Product Family ATP
3 Enable ATP
4 ATP / CTP Based on Planning Output
5 ATP Based on Collected Data

This profile option is updateable only at the site level.

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