Receipts Window

In the lower part of the screen, Purchasing displays the following detail information for the current shipment line: 
  • Order Type 
  • Order number 
  • The Supplier or internal organization shipping the item or the Customer returning the item 
  • Due Date 
  • Item Description 
  • Hazard class 
  • Destination 
  • UN Number 
  • Header Receiver Note (from order document header), 
  • Shipment Receiver Note 
  • Routing
Lines Tab
  • Quantity
  • UOM
  • Secondary Quantity
  • Secondary UOM
  • Destination Type
  • Item
  • Rev
  • Description
  • Location
  • Requester
  • Subinventory
  • Locator
  • Category
  • ASN Type
  • ASN No
  • Country of Origin

Details Tab
Packing Slip

If the line you select contains information in the ASN Type field, then an Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) exists for that shipment. (You can set an ASN Control option in the Receiving Options window to prevent you from receiving against a purchase order shipment for which an ASN exists. 

If a material shortage exists for the item, a message appears. Displaying shortage messages for certain items is a setup option. From the message, you can view details of where in your organization the demand exists for the item. You can then make the item available with a high priority. See: Viewing Potential Shortages. See: Material Shortage Alerts and Shortage Notifications.

Purchasing displays the Quantity due for the shipment. If you change the unit of measure, the receipt quantity is adjusted to reflect the new unit of measure. You can override this value if you are recording a partial receipt or an over-receipt. Depending on your receiving options, Purchasing either ignores over-receipts, displays a warning message when you try to receive more items than you ordered, or prevents you from receiving quantities over your receipt tolerance. If you specify blind receiving at the system option level, Purchasing neither performs over-receipt checking nor displays a Quantity To Receive. If you have fully received a shipment, the receipt quantity displayed is zero, but over-receipt checking will reveal whether you have exceeded the over-receipt tolerance on this shipment.
The information described above applies to an ASN line as well as a purchase order shipment line.
The quantity received on the corresponding purchase order or return material authorization (RMA) is updated to reflect the received quantity.

Enter the UOM of the item you are receiving.

Enter the Destination Type: Receiving, Expense, Inventory, or Shop Floor. This determines the final destination of the received items.
You can change the Destination Type if the profile option RCV: Allow Routing Override is set to Yes.

If the item is under revision control, you must enter a Revision.

Enter the receiving Location.

Enter the Requestor.

For the Inventory destination type, enter the Subinventory into which the goods will be delivered.

When the destination type is Inventory and when the item and/or the subinventory have locator control enabled, enter the stock Locator.

Optionally choose or change the Country of Origin.
The Country of Origin is the country in which an item is manufactured. The Country of Origin defaults from the ASN if there is one. Otherwise, it defaults from the purchase order shipment.

If Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) has been implemented, you are a process manufacturing user, and the selected receiving organization is a process organization, then the process fields are enabled. The two process fields are Secondary UOM and Secondary Quantity.
See: Entering OPM process fields.

Note: If your organization uses Skip Lot controls, the receipt routing may be automatically changed from inspection required to standard.

To enter receipt line detail information:
Navigate to the Details tabbed region.

Enter the Packing Slip number.

Enter the Supplier Lot number.

Enter the transaction Reason Code. See: Defining Transaction Reasons.

Enter any comments.

Select Receipt Exception if you want to enter a release exception for this receipt.

To modify exchange rate information:
Navigate to the Currency tabbed region.
You can update exchange rate information on the receipt only if you perform invoice-to-receipt matching (an Invoice Match Option of Receipt is chosen for the shipment in the purchase order Shipments window).
These fields are blank and disabled if there is no exchange rate-that is, if the purchase order is not in a foreign currency.

Modify the Rate Date.
If the Invoice Match Option on the purchase order shipment is Purchase Order, the default is the purchase order creation date, and you cannot change it. If the Invoice Match Option is Receipt, the default is today's date. You can change the Rate Date to one that better captures the cost of the item at the appropriate exchange rate. For example, if you are creating a receipt for an item that was actually received into inventory a few days earlier, you could enter the earlier date to apply the rate from that day. You can enter a different Rate Date for different receipt lines. For User rate types, changing the Rate Date does not affect the Rate.
Once you complete the receipt transaction, you cannot correct this exchange rate information later.

If the Rate Type is User and the profile option PO: Allow Rate Override for User Rate Type is set to Yes, optionally modify the Rate.
The Rate defaults from the purchase order.

Note: The Currency and the Rate Type also default from the purchase order, but cannot be changed.

To view order information:
Navigate to the Order Information tabbed region to view the following information for the shipment: Order Type, Number, Release number, order Line number, Shipment number, Project, Task, Kanban Card Number, Charge Account, Supplier, Quantity Ordered, UOM, Due Date, Supplier Item number, Customer Item number, Manufacturer Name, and Source Inspected.

To view outside processing information:
Navigate to the Outside Services tabbed region to view the Job or repetitive Schedule number, the repetitive schedule Line number, the Operation Sequence, and the Department number.

To view shipment (ASN) information:
Navigate to the Shipment Information tabbed region to view information from the Advance Shipment Notice (ASN), if one exists for the shipment. See: Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs).

To enter control number information:
For controlled items, you can select the Lot-Serial button to navigate to the Lot Number and Serial Number windows. See: Lot Control. See: Serial Number Control.

To cascade quantities across shipments and distributions:
If you specified a Supplier and Item in the Find Expected Receipts window, and if Allow Cascade Transactions is selected in the Receiving Options window, choose the Cascade button. See: Cascading Receipts and Receiving Transactions.

To perform an express receipt:

Select the Express button to perform an express receipt. See: Entering Express Receipts.

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