Oracle Workflow Builder

Oracle Workflow Builder is a graphical tool for creating, viewing, and modifying workflow process definitions. It contains a Navigator window that you use to define the activities and components of your business process. You then assemble the activities in a process window to create a process diagram.

At any time you can add, remove, or change workflow activities, or set up new prerequisite relationships among activities. Oracle Workflow manages business processes according to rules that you define.

Workflow Engine

The Workflow Engine embedded in the Oracle database server implements process definitions at runtime. The Workflow Engine monitors workflow states and coordinates the routing of activities for a process. The Workflow Engine supports sophisticated workflow rules, including looping, branching, parallel flows, and sub flows.

Business Event System

The Business Event System consists of the Event Manager, which lets you register subscriptions to significant events, and event activities, which let you model business events within workflow processes.

Attributes: lists the attributes for the current item type. Item type attributes describe features of an item type. For example, if an item type is a purchase order requisition, then an item type Attribute can be the requisition amount or the requisition ID.

Processes: lists the process activities or workflow process definitions for the current item type. See: Process Window

Notifications: lists the notification activities associated with the current item type. A notification activity sends a message to a user or role. The message may prompt for a response or may Simply provide information

Functions: lists the function activities associated with the current item type. A function activity represents a PL/SQL stored procedure that the Workflow Engine executes automatically. A function activity can also have activity attributes associated with it

Events: lists the event activities associated with the current item type. An event activity represents a business event that the process receives, raises, or sends

Messages: lists the messages that a notification activity associated with the current item type can send to a user or role. A message can have message attributes associated with it.
Lookup Types: lists the lookup types associated with the current item type. A lookup type has one or more values called lookup codes associated with it. A lookup type is a list of values that can be referenced by a message, or by a notification, function, or process as its possible result type.

Access Level: A numeric value ranging from 0 to 1000. Every workflow user operates at a specific access level. The access level defines whether the user can modify certain workflow data. You can only modify data that is protected at a level equal to or higher than your access level.

Activity: A unit of work performed during a business process.

Process: A set of activities that need to be performed to accomplish a business goal.

Workflow Engine: The Workflow Engine manages the state of all activities for an item, automatically executes functions and sends notifications, maintains a history of completed activities, and detects error conditions and starts error processes. The Workflow Engine: is implemented in server PL/SQL and activated when a call to an engine API is made.

A user or role assigned to perform a human activity (notification). Notification activities that are included in a process must be assigned to a performer.

One or more users grouped by a common responsibility or position.

An instance of a message delivered to a user.

Lookup Code: 
An internal name of a value defined in a lookup type.

Lookup Type: 
A predefined list of values. Each value in a lookup type has an internal and a display name.

Item Type: 
A grouping of all items of a particular category that share the same set of item attributes. For example, PO Requisition is an item type used to group all requisitions created by Oracle Internet Commerce’s Web Requisitions page. Item type is also used as a high level grouping for processes.

Event: A
n occurrence in an internet or intranet application or program that might be significant to other objects in a system or to external agents.

Background Engines: 
A supplemental Workflow Engine that processes deferred or timed out activities.

Message: T
he information that is sent by a notification activity. A message must be defined before it can be associated with a notification activity. A message contains a subject, a priority, a body, and possibly one or more message attributes.

Synchronous or Asynchronous Processes

A workflow process can be either synchronous or asynchronous.

A synchronous process is a process that can be executed without interruption from start to finish.

  • The Workflow Engine executes a process synchronously when the process includes activities that can be completed immediately, such as function activities that are not deferred to the background engine.
  • With a synchronous process, you can immediately check for process results that were written to item attributes or directly to the database. However, the user must wait for the process to complete.

An asynchronous process is a process that the Workflow Engine cannot complete immediately because it contains activities that interrupt the flow.
  • Examples of activities that force an asynchronous process include deferred activities, notifications with responses, blocking activities, and wait activities.
  • With an asynchronous process, the user does not have to wait for the process to complete to continue using the application. However, the results of the process are not available until the process is completed at a later time.

Item type: The internal name for the item type. Item types are defined in the Oracle Workflow Builder.

Item key: The string uniquely identifies the item within an item type.

Actid: The ID number of the activity from which this procedure is called.

Funcmode: The execution mode of the activity. If the activity is a function activity, the mode is either 'RUN' or 'CANCEL'. If the activity is a notification activity, with a postnotification function, then the mode can be 'RESPOND', 'FORWARD', 'TRANSFER', 'TIMEOUT', or 'RUN'. Other execution modes may be added in the future.

Resultout: COMPLETE: activity completes with the indicated result code. The result code must match one of the result codes specified in the result type of the function activity.

WAITING: activity is pending, waiting on another activity to complete before it completes. An example is the Standard 'AND' activity.

DEFERRED: activity is deferred to a background engine for execution until a given date. Must be of the format: to_char, f_engine.date_format)

NOTIFIED: an external entity is notified that an action must be performed. A notification ID and an assigned user can optionally be returned with this result. Note that the external entity must call Complete Activity () to inform the Workflow Engine when the action completes.

ERROR: activity encounters an error and returns the indicated error code.


            To_char (),





Creates a new runtime process for an application item.
Procedure CreateProcess
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           process in varchar2 default ’’,
           user_key in varchar2 default null,
           owner_role in varchar2 default null);

Procedure StartProcess
         (itemtype in varchar2,
          itemkey in varchar2);

Procedure LaunchProcess
         (itemtype in varchar2,
          itemkey in varchar2,
          process in varchar2 default '',
          userkey in varchar2 default '',
          owner in varchar2 default '');

Procedure SetItemAttrText
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           aname in varchar2,
           avalue in varchar2);

Procedure SetItemAttrNumber
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           aname in varchar2,
           avalue in number);

Procedure SetItemAttrDate
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           aname in varchar2,
           avalue in date);

Function GetItemAttrText
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           aname in varchar2) return varchar2;

Function GetItemAttrNumber
         (itemtype in varchar2,
          itemkey in varchar2,
          aname in varchar2) return number;

Function GetItemAttrDate
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           aname in varchar2) return date;

Procedure Background
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           minthreshold in number default null,
           maxthreshold in number default null,
           process_deferred in boolean default TRUE,
           process_timeout in boolean default FALSE,
           process_stuck in boolean default FALSE);

Procedure ItemStatus
          (itemtype in varchar2,
           itemkey in varchar2,
           status out varchar2,
           result out varchar2);

1) What are the major components of the workflow system?

  • Workflow Engine,
  • Business Event System,
  • The Notification Service,
  • He Workflow Builder,
  • And administrative and monitoring tools.
The Workflow Engine is a set of tables and PL/SQL stored procedures that manage the execution of workflow processes and tracks work-in- process.

2) What platform is workflow currently available on?
  • Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications is available on all platforms that Oracle Applications is available on.
  • The builder of course is a client product running on Windows 95/98/2000/NT.

3) Can workflow work on a distributed database?
Yes - Oracle Workflow 2.6 includes a major new feature called the Business Event System which supports the sending and receiving of messages between databases.

4) How does Oracle Workflow differ from Oracle Alert?
  • Oracle Alert is a database event detection tool.
  • Oracle Workflow technology enables automation and continuous improvement to business processes, routing information according to user-defined business rules.

5) What electronic mail systems can I use in conjunction with Oracle Workflow Notifications?

The Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer can be used (WFMAIL).

6) How do I verify the version of Oracle Workflow that I have installed?

For Workflow versions prior to 2.5:

7) How do I select the 'File, Load Roles' option when it is grayed out?

To use the 'File, Load Roles' option you must store your workflow definition in the database so that you have a database connection through which you can bring back records from the database.

8) What Access Level should I be using in Oracle Workflow Builder?

You should be running the Workflow Builder with an Access Level of 100.

9)How do I trace errors in my Workflow processes?

  • Using the Workflow Monitor and/or wfstatus.sql script.
  • Use wfstatus.sql to display an end user status report for an indicated item. The output is 132 characters per line. Use the script as follows:
         sqlplus @wfstatus

10) How do I customize the Account Generator Workflow process for my company?
Customers are expected to customize the Account Generator process. You can do this by editing the existing process or creating your own process, but this MUST be within the seeded 'Item Type'. You should NOT create a NEW 'Item Type' as this would NEVER be run by Account Generator.

If you create a new process, you must ensure it is "Runnable". You must then assign the appropriate process to the Accounting Flex field structure in the Account Generator Process window in Oracle Applications (login as System Administrator, Application -> Flex fields -> Key -> Accounts and query up the required Accounting flex field structure).

11) Whats new about Oracle Workflow 2.6?

  • Executing custom code on the event information
  • Sending event information to a workflow process

Concurrent programs can be run from the command line as well:
  • WFMAIL 0 Y

for example
  • WFLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPGRADE @fnd:install/data/wferror.wft
  • WFLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPLOAD @po:install/data/poreq.wft
  • WFLOAD apps/apps 0 Y DOWNLOAD myprocess.wft POREQ
  • WFLOAD apps/apps 0 Y UPGRADE c:\orant\wf20\res\US\wfstd.wft

12) What is the difference between WFLOAD and wfload?
  • UPPERCASE executable names usually refer to the Concurrent Manager variant of the program.
  • Lowercase executable names usually refer to the stand-alone unix version.
These two programs do the same thing, but take different arguments.

13) Can a workflow process be restarted from the point of failure?
Yes, Wf_Engine.HandleError is designed for this. When the cause of the error has been corrected, the HandleError procedure can be called with the 'RETRY' option which will attempt to re-execute the specified activity.

14) How can I tell if a work item already exists?

There is an API for this: WF_ITEM.ITEM_EXISTS

15) Does workflow always execute according to the latest definition for an itemtype?
No. Running processes use the activity definitions that were in effect when the process was started.

16) How do I completely wipe out workflow definitions from the database?

There are scripts that directly delete workflow definition data from the database.
wfrmita.sql -- Delete all definitions for an ITem Attribute
wfrmitt.sql -- Delete all definitions for an ITem Type
wfrmall.sql -- Delete all definitions

17) What does actually do?

WF_PURGE.TOTAL deletes obsolete runtime data which includes:
Item activity statuses
Expired activity versions

18) How do I raise errors in my application? DO I have to add errors to the workflow resource table?

standard message dictionary APIs :

19) How do you retrieve the actual Performer's user name?
Use the API
username := wf_notification.Responder(nid)

20) How does the DOCUMENT type attribute work?

The DOCUMENT type attribute permits you to execute a pl/sql package procedure which you may use to build the message body dynamically at run time. For example, if you have an unlimited number of lines to display, rather than hardcoding an attribute for each line and setting a limit, use the DOCUMENT type. This allows you to call a package with the following parameters

procedure MY_PROCEDURE

( document_id in varchar2, -- your parameter list display_type in varchar2, -- either text/plain of text/HTML set by WF document in out varchar2, -- out string inserted into mesage body by WF document_type in out varchar2) -- usually set this equal to display_type is ...

SetItemAttrText(item_type,item_key, 'NEW_ITEM_ATTR_NAME', 'plsql:my_package.my_procedure/'||item_type||':'||item_key);

21) How to identify what type of events are in the WF_DEFFERED queue?
corrid, decode(state,0, '0 = Ready',1, '1 = Delayed',2, '2 = Retained', 3, '3 = Exception', to_char(state)) State, count(*) COUNT
WF_DEFERRED group by corrid, state;

The next statements will show how many events of each type are in the WF_DEFERRED queue:

column EVENT_NAME format a40;

select w.user_data.event_name EVENT_NAME, count(*) COUNT
group by w.user_data.event_name

22) How do you determine the WF Item Key value to run wfstatus.sql for Account Generator workflows?

Select item_key, begin_date, end_date from wf_items
where item_type = 'PAAPINVW'
and begin_date between '&low_start' and '&high_start';

Set Up Content Security

Content zones are containers for your catalog items and services. You manage your
content zones from the Manage Content Zones page available as a subtab of the Stores

The Manage Content Zones page provides the following information for each content
• Type: Local for a local catalog, Exchange for a punchout or transparent punchout to
Oracle Exchange, Punchout or Transparent Punchout to a supplier site, Contractor
for the contractor request, or informational catalog. Local is the default local content
that Oracle iProcurement provides.
• Store Assignment: Store to which the content is assigned. Content Zones must be
assigned to a store to be searchable.
• Download Punchout: For punchout content you can download the punchout
Maintaining A Local Content Zone
To create a content zone:
1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Content Zones subtab from the
Stores tab.
2. On the Manage Content Zones page, select Create Local Content Zone from the drop
down list and click Go.

For detail regarding the different types of catalog content see Understanding the
Procurement Catalog, page 3-1.
Note: The default local content zone, All Local Content, contains
items from all suppliers and categories. You can modify or delete it
to fit your needs.
3. On the Create Local Content Zone page, enter a Name and Description. The name
and description are used for your information only, they do not appear in the
Oracle iProcurement shopping pages.
4. Suppliers: Select the suppliers whose items you want to appear in this content zone:
• Select Include items from all suppliers to do just that.
• Select Include items from specific suppliers to display the Add Suppliers region,
page 3-51.
• Select Exclude items from specific suppliers to display the Add Suppliers region,
page 3-51.
• Select Exclude items that are sourced from suppliers to do just that.
• Optionally select "Include items without suppliers." Items that exist only in the
Master Items window in Oracle Inventory, including internally orderable items,
often do not have external suppliers associated with them. This option enables
you to associate items like these. If you do not select this option, these items are
Content Management 3-51
still available in the base local content zone. Master Items referenced on
requisition templates (that are not assigned to suppliers) are also included in
this category.
5. Categories: Select the categories whose items you want to appear in this content
• Select Include items from all categories to do just that.
• Select Include items from specific categories to display the Add Categories region,
page 3-52.
• Select Exclude items from specific categories to display the Add Categories region,
page 3-52.
• Optionally select "Include items without shopping categories
Note: If there is a Purchasing category to Shopping category
mapping for a particular Purchasing category, iProcurement
considers items with that Purchasing category to be shopping
categories (by way of the category mapping).
6. Assign Content Zone Security: Select the security for this content zone:
• Select Accessible to all users to do just that.
• Select Secure by operating units to display the Add Operating Units region, page
• Select Secure by responsibilities to display the Add Responsibilities region, page
7. Click Apply to return to the Manage Content Zones page.
To make this content zone accessible from other stores:
• Click Stores. See Creating Or Editing A Store, page 3-44.
Note: When you create a local content zone, you are not "removing"
those items from the base local content zone. They always exist in
the base local catalog. They additionally exist in the local content
zone you just created and in the store in which you place that
content zone.
To add suppliers:
• Search for the supplier in the Search and Select popup.
3-52 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
Note: .When searching for a supplier, the system performs a begins
with search. If you do not know the beginning of the name you are
searching for, use a wildcard - for example, %network.
• Select one or more suppliers and click Select.
• Repeat these steps for each supplier you want to add.
To add categories:
• Search for the categories in the Search and Select popup.
• Select one or more categories and click Select.
• Repeat these steps for each category you want to add.
To add operating units:
• Search for the operating unit in the Search and Select popup.
• Select one or more operating unit and click Select.
• Repeat these steps for each operating unit you want to add.
To add responsibilities:
• Search for the responsibility in the Search and Select popup.
• Select one or more responsibility and click Select.
• Repeat these steps for each responsibility you want to add.
Maintaining An Informational Content Zone
To create an informational content zone:
1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Content Zones subtab from the
Stores tab.
2. On the Manage Content Zones page, select Create Informational Content Zone from
the drop down list and click Go.
For detail regarding the different types of content zone content see Understanding
the Procurement Catalog, page 3-1.
3. On the Create Informational Content Zone page, enter the following:
• Name and Description:. (If the requester clicks a store name before searching,
Oracle iProcurement displays the content zone names and descriptions it is
searching. The Name also displays on the Search Results pages.) Maximum
Content Management 3-53
character limit for Name and Description: 2,000 bytes each.
• Image: Image file name or image URL that you want to display next to this
content zone on the Search Results Summary page. If you enter an image name
(such as abc.gif) rather than a full URL (such as,
make sure that the image exists in the directory specified in POR: Hosted
Images Directory. If you specify no image, the content zone displays its Name
and Description only. (Behind the scenes, the content zone displays a blank
image file if you specify no image. If desired, you can change this default blank
image file to always display a standard "no content zone image" file or message.
See the image management section.). Maximum character limit: 2,000 bytes.
Note: If "Hide thumbnail images" is selected in a requester's
preferences, then the requester will not see the content zone's
• Keywords: Keywords used for searching. For example, if you enter the keyword
fruit, this content zone displays on the Search Results Summary page when the
requester searches for fruit. Oracle iProcurement displays this content zone if
the search matches any part of the keywords. For example, if you enter the
keywords legal size paper, the Search Results Summary page displays this
content zone if the requester's search includes the words legal or paper or size.
Maximum character limit: 4,000 bytes
• URL:. To link the content zone name to a site, enter the site's URL here. If you
do not enter a URL, requesters see just the name and description. The name and
description may be all you need; however, if the informational content zone
includes lengthy procedures or links, you may want to include a URL here or in
the Description that links to a master page that contains the information.
Maximum character limit: 2,000 bytes.
4. If you want to vary language-specific fields, such as the name and description,
seeTranslating Data, page 3-55.
5. Assign Content Zone Security: Select the security for this content zone:
• Select Accessible to all users to do just that.
• Select Secure by operating units to display the Add Operating Units region, page
• Select Secure by responsibilities to display the Add Responsibilities region, page
6. Click Apply to return to the Manage Content Zones page.
3-54 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
7. Any content zone you create must be added to a store to be searchable. Either add
the content zone to the default Main Store that Oracle iProcurement provides or
create your own store to which to add the content zone. See: Creating Or Editing A
Store, page 3-44.
Maintaining A Contractor Request Content Zone
Oracle iProcurement provides the Contractor Request content zone for use by Oracle
Services Procurement.
If your company has enabled Oracle Services Procurement, then requesters can click
Contractor Request directly below the Shop tab and be taken to the contractor request
entry page.
If desired, you can make contractor requests additionally accessible in a store. For
example, you can assign the Contractor Request content zone to a store that you
created. When a requester clicks the store on the Shop page, all of the content zone in
that store are displayed. The requester can then click the Contractor Request content
zone and be taken to the contractor request entry page. (If you create a store that
contains only the Contractor Request content zone, then clicking the store takes the
requester directly to the contractor request entry page.)
The method of clicking Contractor Request directly below the Shop tab always remains.
Including the Contractor Request content zone in a store is an additional option for you,
to make contractor requests accessible in other places.
Manage A Content Zone (Update, Copy, Delete)
In iProcurement Catalog Adminstration, click the Content Zones subtab in Stores.
• Update: On the Manage Content Zones page, click the Update icon next to the
content zone you want to update.
• Change the information in the content zone to suit your new needs. Refer to the
topics for creating each content zone for details..
• Click Apply.
• Copy: On the Manage Content Zones page, click the Copy icon next to the content
zone you want to copy.
• Change the information in the content zone to suit your new needs. Refer to the
topics for creating each content zone for details..
• Click Apply.
• Delete: On the Manage Content Zones page, click the Delete icon next to the content
zone you want to delete.
Content Management 3-55
• Respond to the warning message by clicking Yes to delete the content zone.
Deleting a content zone does not delete its contents, it deletes the content zone
• When you delete a local content zone, the items in the content zone still exist,
but they are no longer visible to the requester by the local content zone
definition you created. (To delete items and prices from the local content zone,
item maintenance must be performed.) For example, you delete your local
content zone A, which contains items from Supplier A. This content zone was
assigned to a store called Travel. When requesters now search the Travel store,
content zone A is no longer listed as a content zone in that store. Requesters no
longer find items that were in content zone A when searching that store. Items
from Supplier A are now returned in the search results only when requesters
search the local content zone provided by Oracle iProcurement, if the local
content zone is assigned to a store.
• You cannot delete the Contractor Request content zone that Oracle
iProcurement provides.
• When you delete a punchout or transparent punchout content zone, its items
still exist on the external site, but you have deleted the capability to access that
content zone. Requesters cannot access the items, and you cannot access the
content zone definition.
Note: If you delete a punchout to Oracle Exchange from which
you downloaded punchouts, the downloaded punchouts are
also deleted.
• When you delete an informational content zone, you delete the capability to
access the catalog. Requesters cannot access the information in it, and you
cannot access its content zone definition.
Function Security
None, but you can optionally control access to content zones. .
Related Topics
Understanding the Procurement Catalog, page 3-1
Maintaining Stores, page 3-44
Content Translation
The language in which you are currently viewing fields and data in Oracle
3-56 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
iProcurement is called the session language. The language in which you first entered
the data is the "initial" language.
For example, you have three language installations of Oracle iProcurement - English,
French, and Japanese. The first time you enter these fields, your session language is
English. The data you enter is propagated to French and Japanese as well as English.
Any change you make in English is made in all languages; however, once you change
your session language and change your session language, you must maintain that
language separately. For example, you change your session language to French and
change a catalog name. Later, you change your session language to English and change
the catalog's name in English. That change is now made only in English and Japanese.
The application detects that you already made a language-specific change to the French
version, and no longer propagates changes to French, unless your session language is
currently French.
Catalog Content That Can Vary By Language
The following language-specific fields can be translated in a multiple language
installation of Oracle iProcurement:
Punchout catalog definition:
• Catalog Name
• Description
• Keywords
Transparent punchout catalog definition:
• Catalog Name
• Description
Local catalog definition:
• Catalog Name
• Description
Informational catalog definition:
• Catalog Name
• Description
• Keywords
Store definition:
• Store Name
Content Management 3-57
• Store Type *
• Short Description
• Long Description
• Image
Non-catalog request template:
• Template Name
• Organization *
• Item Type *
• Item Description
• Commodity *
• Unit of Measure *
• Negotiated *
• Restrict Suppliers *
• Information Template Name
Base and category descriptors:
• Descriptor name
• Description
Item and browsing categories:
• Category Name
• Description
* The options or values in these fields, such as Yes or No, vary depending on your
session language.
Schema and items that you upload can also be translated. See the Readme files
Note: Translating a catalog definition does not mean that the catalog's
contents are automatically translated. It depends on your setup. For
example, data in Oracle Purchasing honors the existing translations of
the data. If you provided both German and English versions of a
3-58 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
category name when defining categories in Oracle Purchasing, then
both German and English versions of the category name are available
in Oracle iProcurement. In another example, you can translate a
punchout catalog's name, but the supplier controls whether the data
exists in a particular language.
Changing The Session Language And Translating The Content
To vary online data by language, change the session language:
1. Enter and save the data in one language first. For example, create a store in French.
2. Click "Preferences" at the top of any page.
3. In your general preferences, select the desired language, such as English, and click
Apply Changes.
4. Return to the page where you entered the data. For example, return to the page
where you defined your store.
5. Translate the language-specific fields to the new language.
6. Save your changes.

Oracle Services Procurement

Advanced Pricing

Project Manufacturing

Project Accounting 

Set Up Smart Forms

Requesters can procure an item or service that is not found in the catalog. For these
cases, they can use a non-catalog request. The non-catalog request offers the ability to
add an item or service to the shopping cart based on a description of the item or service.
Through the use of smart forms, companies can conveniently control both the list of
fields and whether a particular field is enterable or pre-defined. For example,
purchasing organizations can lock-down the purchasing category for certain requests
and thereby more accurately categorize spend. Similarly, purchasing administrators can
ensure spend is exclusively directed to preferred suppliers, and default contract
numbers achieve touchless buying.
The following figure shows the non-catalog request that requesters can enter. In the
Item Type field, requesters can enter goods billed by quantity, service billed by
quantity, or goods or services billed as an amount.

In addition to this standard non-catalog request, you can create different smart forms
and assign them to one or more stores.
Oracle iProcurement provides a default standard smart form. The catalog administrator
can create multiple additional smart forms. For example, you can create a Computer
Services smart form and an Office Services smart form. Once these smart forms are
assigned to a store, both appear for the requester to select from.
To use the single, standard smart form that Oracle iProcurement provides, you do not
need to perform any setup other than the profile options.
Setup Steps
1. Set Profile Options (required), page 3-35
2. Define Commodities (optional), page 3-35
3. Create A Smart Form (optional), page 3-38
4. Assign A Smart Form To A Store (required, if you create new Smart Forms), page 3-

Grants Accounting


Set Up E-Commerce Gateway Mapping

Create Commodity-Based Expense Account Rules

Expense Charge Account Rules
When determining the default charge account, the account generator may reference the
charge account defined on the employee record. Expense Charge Account Rules enable
you to override one or multiple segments of that default account based on the item
4-18 Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide
category. This ability to override does not interfere with the action of the account
generator, but replaces those segments you configure after the account generator has
created a charge account.
Setup Steps:
1. Log in to Oracle Applications and choose the Procure to Pay Administrator
2. Navigate to Purchasing Setup > Financials > Accounting > Expense Account Rules.
3. Define the rules (for each item category) in the window. Duplicate rules for the
same category or account segment are not permitted.
4. Save your work.
Profile Options
• Set POR: Apply Expense Account Rules to Favorite Charge Accounts to Yes. See
Profile Options, page 2-35.

Set Up P-Cards




PREREQUISITE : 1)I-Procurement setup should exist in the Instance
I-Procurement Set-Up Docs

STEP 1: Create a SQL*Loader program that uses the flat file provided by the card issuer containing the credit card transaction details you want to transfer into the AP_EXPENSE_FEED_LINES_ALL table.

STEP 2: Define the card issuer as a supplier.
Navigation: Oracle Payable Super User--> Suppliers--> Entry.

STEP 3: Create Credit Card Code
Navigation: Oracle Payable Super User--> Setup--> Credit Cards--> Procurement Card--> Code Sets .

STEP 4: Define Credit Card Programs
Navigation: Oracle Payable Super User--> Setup--> Credit Cards--> Card Programs

STEP 5: Define the GL Account Sets
Navigation: Oracle Payable Super User--> Setup--> Credit Cards-->Procurement Card--> GL Account Sets.

STEP 6: Define the Credit Card Profile
Navigation: Oracle Payable Super User--> Setup--> Credit Cards-->Procurement Card--> Profiles.

STEP 7: Select the Procurement Card check box to indicate that the supplier site is P-Card enabled.

STEP 8: Set the Profile Options:
PO: Use P-Cards in Purchasing

STEP 9: After that upload the data through the SQL Loader Program, then run the "Procurement Card Transaction Validation Program" Request.
Navigation: Payable Super User--> View--> Request

STEP 10: Run the other Requests:
Navigation: Payable Super User--> View--> Request "Create Procurement Card Issuer Invoice"
"Payables Open Interface Import with source"
Source Parameter as "PCARD"

Define Shipping Networks and Customer Locations for Internal Requisitions

Internal Requisitions provide the mechanism for requesting and transferring material from inventory to other inventory or expense locations. When Purchasing, Order Entry / Shipping, and Inventory are installed, they combine to give you a flexible solution for your inter-organization and intra-organization requests. 

Internal Requisitions provide a flexible solution to your inventory requisitioning needs. You can eliminate user intervention when you do not need it, such as when you are loading internal requisitions into Order Entry / Shipping or placing demand. The following sections describe the entire business and information flow for internal requisitions, and identifies opportunities for you to simplify processing.

Shipping Networks

Inventory provides the features you need to define your inter-organization shipping network. For transfers between two organizations, you can specify whether to use intransit or direct shipments. You can also require internal orders for transfers between specific organizations. Inter-organization shipping network information describes the relationships and accounting information that exists between a shipping (from) organization that ships inventory to a destination (to) organization.

To define shipping network:

1. Navigate to the Shipping Networks window.

2. Determine if the organization displayed is the To Organization, From Organization, or the From or To Organization.

Note: If your function security allows multiple organization access, you can enter any organization. Otherwise, the Organization field is display only.

3. To define a new shipping network for the current organization choose New Record from the Edit menu. To enter a new record in a single-row window choose the New button.

To find existing shipping network information for the current organization choose Find.

4. Select the Main alternative region.

5. Enter the shipping or From organization.

6. Enter the destination or To organization.

7. Enter the transfer type:
  • Direct: Inter-organization transfers move inventory directly from the shipping organization to the destination organization.
  • Intransit: Inter-organization transfers move inventory to intransit inventory first. You can track this inventory until it arrives at the destination organization.
8. If you selected Intransit in the Transfer Type field, select the FOB terms:
  • Receipt: The shipping organization owns the shipment until the destination organization receives it.
  • Shipment: The destination organization owns the shipment when the from organization ships it (and while the shipment is in transit).

9. If you selected Intransit in the Transfer Type field, select a receipt routing option:Standard: Receive this item first, then deliver without inspection.Direct: At receipt, deliver this item directly to its location.Inspection: Receive this item first, inspect it, then deliver.

10. Indicate whether an internal order is required for each transfer.11. Save your work.

To define transfer charge information:

1. Select the Transfer, Distance alternative region.

2. Select the inter-organization transfer charge type for calculating transfer charges:
  • None: Do not add transfer charges.
  • Predefined Percent: Automatically add a predefined percent of the transaction value.
  • Requested Value: Enter a discrete value to add.
  • Requested Percent: Enter a discrete percentage of the transfer value to add.
The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization. 

3. If you selected Predefined Percent in the Transfer Charge Type field, enter the percentage value to add to a material transfer. For example, a value of 10 equals a transaction value of 10%.The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization. 

4. Optionally, you can define the following:
Enter the unit of measure for the distance from the shipping organization to the destination organization.
Enter the distance value (in the unit of measure) from the shipping organization to the destination organization.

To define account information:

1. Select the Primary Accounts alternative region.

2. Enter the general ledger transfer credit account used to collect transfer charges for the shipping organization. The default value is the value you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping organization. 

3. Enter the general ledger account used to collect the purchase price variance for inter-organization receipts into standard cost organizations. You must enter an account if your receiving organization is using standard costing.

To enter additional account information:

1. Select the Secondary Accounts alternative region.
Note: The default values for the following fields are the values you defined in the Organization Parameters window for the shipping and destination organizations. 

2. Enter the general ledger receivables account used as an inter-organization clearing account for the shipping organization. The inter-organization receivable account for the shipping organization should equal the inter-organization payables account for the receiving organization.

3. Enter the general ledger payables account used as an inter-organization clearing account for the receiving organization. The inter-organization receivable account for the shipping organization should equal the inter-organization payables account for the receiving organization.

To enter intransit account information:

1. Select the Intransit Account alternative region.

2. Enter the general ledger account used to hold the intransit inventory value.

To enter intransit lead time for shipping methods:

1. Select Shipping Methods on the Special menu to open the Inter-org Shipping Methods window.

2. Enter the shipping method for which you want to associate an intransit lead time for the displayed from and to organizations. 

3. Enter the intransit lead time in days.

4. Save your work.

Define Contract Purchase Agreements

You create contract purchase agreements with your suppliers to agree on specific terms and conditions without indicating the goods and services that you will be purchasing. You can later issue standard purchase orders referencing your contracts, and you can encumber these purchase orders if you use encumbrance accounting.

Navigation: Purchasing: Purchase Orders > Purchase Orders


You can include agreement dollar amount, Ship to and Bill to address with supplier details. Select the Global checkbox only if you are creating a Global agreement.


Standard purchase orders can only reference the contract during its effective dates. Part of the terms and conditions could include a percentage discount off list prices for all products the supplier sells or different discounts for different groups of products.

Click Approve button and then Ok.

Once contract purchase agreements is approved you can use it with standard purchase order per agreed amount or less than committed amount.



Click on Referenced Document tab.



Here you can refer previously created contract purchase agreements.

Click on Shipment button.


Mention Shipment details with need by date. You can read more about Standard Purchase Order and splitting shipment and charging accounts.


 You can enter sub inventory here.

Click on Approve button. Once Standard Purchase order is approved you can check contract purchase agreement. Open purchase order in query mode and check released amount. The dollar value displayed in Released field is the total dollar value of all standard purchase order lines referencing the contract.


Define Global Blanket Purchase Agreements

 Using global agreements (a special type of blanket purchase agreement), buyers can negotiate enterprise-wide pricing, business by business, then execute and manage those agreements in one central shared environment. Enterprise organizations can then access the agreement to create purchase orders that leverage pre-negotiated prices and terms. You can encumber funds for a global agreement.

Create And Update Agreements 

The Agreements page of the Buyer's Work Center supports two basic Oracle Purchasing document types: the global blanket purchase agreement and the global contract purchase agreement. See: Purchase Order Types, Entering Purchase Agreement Information 

1. From the Agreements page of the Buyer's Work Center navigate to the Create Blanket Purchase Agreements page or the Create Contract Purchase Agreements page by selecting a style from the Create list and then clicking Go. If you need to modify an existing agreement click its Agreement number and it is displayed on the Blanket Purchase Agreements page or the Contract Purchase Agreements page. Click Update to make your changes. You can change the emphasis of page by clicking Headers, Lines, or Controls.

2. Select the Agreement Header tab to enter general information about the entire agreement: 
  • Enter agreement header information: Operating Unit, Supplier, Supplier Site, Supplier Contact, Communication Method, Buyer, Amount Agreed, Currency, Effective From and To dates, and Description. 
  • Enter agreement terms information: Bill-To Location, Payment Terms, Pay On Receipt, Required Acknowledgment, Acknowledge By, Amount Limit, Default Ship-To, Ship Via, Freight Terms, FOB, and Transportation Arranger. 
  • Enter agreement attachments are entered by clicking Add Attachments. 
  • Optionally enter a Note to Supplier or a Note to Receiver. 
3. Select the Agreements Lines tab to enter details about the items on this

Note: There are no lines on a contract purchase agreement. 
  • To add lines from the catalog, select From Catalog in the Add Lines list and click Go. To add lines from your favorites list, select From Favorites in the Add Lines list and click Go. 
  • Enter line details: Type, Item/Job, Description, Category, Unit of Measure (Unit), Price, and Expiration date. To expand the line to full page view click the Actions Update icon. 
  • In the Action column for each line you can click icons to Update, Split, or Delete. For details on what you can do to your agreement.

4. Select the Agreements Control tab to enter control details for this agreement: 
  • Define operating unit access by selecting a Purchasing OU and Purchasing Site for a Requesting OU.  
  • Enable Automatic Processes for your blanket purchase agreement by selecting: Enable Automatic Sourcing 
  • Update Sourcing Rules and Assignments See: Enter Additional Options, 
  • Enable Retroactive Pricing for your blanket purchase agreement by selecting: 
  • Apply Price Updates to Existing POs 
  • Communicate Price Updates 
  • Enter Notification Controls for this agreement by entering Condition, Warning Delay, Percent, Amount, Effective From date, and Effective To date.

Using Agreement Actions 

• You can take the standard actions of Cancel, Save, Approval Options, and Submit by clicking one at the top or bottom of the page. . Note: The Cancel button is used to return to the Summary page. 
• From the Actions list at the top you can select (depending on the status of your agreement and the page you are viewing): 
• Delete • Enable Catalog Administrator Authoring 
• Enable Supplier Authoring 
• Place on Hold 
• Duplicate with Attachments 
• Duplicate without Attachments 
• If the PDF option is enabled, you can select View PDF to see the formatted purchase order as it will be communicated to the supplier. 
• If Oracle Procurement Contracts is implemented you can select Add Contract Terms. Click Go after your selection. For details regarding these actions see: Purchase Order Tools Menu Options, and Purchase Order Inquire Menu Options, . 

Define Information Templates

Information templates are used to gather additional information in Oracle iProcurement to pass necessary order processing information to suppliers. When an information template is assigned to a category or item, the application prompts requesters to provide the information specified in the template when the item is added to the shopping cart. This information becomes a line-level attachment to the requisition.

For example, you can implement information templates for items such as business cards that require additional information (name, address, e-mail address, phone) from the requester. Oracle iProcurement prompts for name, address, e-mail address, and phone number when you order business cards. Each information template must be associated with an Oracle Purchasing item or item category. If an information template is associated with an item category, all items belonging to that category are also associated with the template.

Create an information template

1. Navigate to the Define Information Template window in Oracle Purchasing.

2. Give your Template a name. This name appears as a heading during checkout.

3. Select Available in All Organizations to make the template available to requesters in all operating units. Deselect this option to make the template available only to requesters in the same operating unit in which you are creating the information template. For example, you are logged in with a responsibility that is tied to the Vision France operating unit. If you leave this option deselected, then your information template is available only to users in your vision France operating unit.

4. Select an Attachment Category of To Supplier or To Buyer. To Buyer means that the requisition, when turned into a purchase order, displays the information template as an attachment to the buyer. To Supplier means that the information template also is available as an attachment to the supplier.

5. Enter an Attribute Name and Description. The Attribute Description is the actual field prompt that appears in Oracle iProcurement.

                                 the picture is described in the document text

6. Optionally, enter a default value to automatically appear in the field. For example, for an Attribute Name of Body Color, the default value could be Black.

7. To make the template field to be a list of values from which the requester selects, see the steps for creating lists. For example, you create a Country of Origin field. Instead of letting the requester enter any value, you provide a menu that contains only the values Canada, US, and Mexico.

8. Indicate whether the field is mandatory for Oracle iProcurement requesters. If the field is mandatory, requesters must enter a value in the field before proceeding to complete the requisition.

9.Indicate whether to activate the attribute to actually appear in Oracle iProcurement. In certain circumstances, you can define an attribute, but delay enabling it for display.

10. Choose Associate Template to associate the template with an item or item category.

the picture is described in the document text

11. In the Information Template Association window select the type of association (Item Number or Item Category) to associate with the template.

12. If you selected Item Number, enter the number. If you selected Item Category, enter the category.

13. Save your work.