Inventory Glossary - A

A  B  C    D  E  F    G  H  I    J  K  L    M  N  O    P  Q  R    S  T  U    V  W  X    Y  Z


ABC classification
A method of classifying items in decreasing order of importance, such as annual dollar volume or your company's transaction history.
See accounting flexfield
account alias
An easily recognized name or label representing an account charged on miscellaneous transactions. You may view, report, and reserve against an account alias.
accounting flexfield
A feature used to define your account coding for accounting distributions. For example, this structure can correspond to your company, budget account, and project account numbers. For simplicity, Inventory and Oracle Manufacturing use the term account to refer to the accounting flexfield.
accounting flexfield limit
The maximum amount you authorize an employee to approve for a particular range of accounting flexfields.
accounting period
The fiscal period a company uses to report financial results, such as a calendar month or fiscal period.
accounts payable accrual account
The account used to accrue payable liabilities when you receive your items. Always used for inventory and outside processing purchases. You can also accrue expenses at the time of receipt. Used by Purchasing and Inventory, the accounts payable account represents your non-invoiced receipts, and is included in your month end accounts payable liability balance. This account balance is cleared when the invoice is matched in Payables.
accumulate available
An option used to calculate ATP information where available quantity of an item is carried from one ATP period to the next.
adjustment tolerance
Determines when Inventory does not make a cycle count adjustment. Inventory does not make an adjustment if your physical count differs from the on-hand inventory quantity by less than the specified tolerance. You define adjustment tolerance when you define an item.
alpha smoothing factor
A value between 0 and 1 used in statistical forecasting calculations for smoothing demand fluctuations. Inventory uses the factor to determine how much weight to give to current demand when calculating a forecast.
alternate routing
An alternate manufacturing process you can use to produce an assembly.
alternate unit of measure
All other units of measure defined for an item, excluding the primary unit of measure.
annual carrying cost
Cost of carrying inventory, defined as a percent of the dollar value of inventory per year.
approval tolerance
Determines when Inventory automatically makes a cycle count adjustment or holds adjustments for approval. You specify this as a percentage of quantity or value.
assemble-to-order (ATO)
An environment where you open a final assembly order to assemble items that customers order. Assemble-to-order is also an item attribute that you can apply to standard, model, and option class items.
See available to promise.
See available to transact.
Available To Promise (ATP)
The quantity of current on-hand stock, outstanding receipts and planned production which has not been committed through a reservation or placing demand. In Oracle Inventory, you define the types of supply and demand that should be included in your ATP calculation.
available to promise quantity
See available to promise (ATP)
available-to-promise rule
A set of Yes/No options for various entities that the user enters in Oracle Inventory. The combination of the various entities are used to define what is considered supply and demand when calculating available to promise quantity.
Available To Transact (ATT)
Quantity on hand less all reservations for the item which may be transferred within or out of inventory.
average costing
A costing method which can be used to cost transactions in both inventory only and manufacturing (inventory and work in process) environments. As you perform transactions, the system uses the transaction price or cost and automatically recalculates the average unit cost of your items.
average cost variance
A variance account used to hold amounts generated when on-hand inventory quantity is negative and the unit cost of a subsequent receipt is different from the current unit cost.